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Tag: Azorult

Bot Marketplaces as a Source of Future Data Breaches

Of the four bot marketplaces Cognyte analyzed, the Russian Market is the most dominant, but the others are all active, updated daily, and well-known, too.

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New Cyber Attacks Variants Preying On Fear Of COVID-19

Cybercriminals are exploiting anxiety and uncertainty by luring the public into malware and ransomware traps. These “Scareware” attacks will escalate as online searches...

Spyware disguised as COVID-19 tracker app actually keeps track of users

Another malicious actor has weaponized an otherwise legitimate, interactive coronavirus tracking map created by Johns Hopkins University — this time to deliver...

Reminders for Enabling Employees to Work From Home to Combat COVID-19

With more cases of COVID-19 (the coronavirus) coming to light, many employers have taken the precaution of transitioning and encouraging employees to...

Russian cybercrime forums seen selling malware-sabotaged COVID-19 map

The recently discovered weaponized coronavirus map found to infect victims with a variant of the information-stealing AZORult malware has been sold online...

Hackers Are Using Coronavirus Maps To Spread Malware On Your Computer

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently declared the coronavirus outbreak as a ‘global pandemic’ prompting users all over the world to keep an...

Hackers using fake live Coronavirus map to spread malware

Hackers are spreading misinformation including fake live maps of areas hit by Coronavirus disaster to spread Azorult malware. There is probably no...

Live Coronavirus Map Used to Spread Malware

Cybercriminals constantly latch on to news items that captivate the public’s attention, but usually they do so by sensationalizing the topic or spreading...

Coronavirus Cyber Advice from the Experts

As the COVID-19 virus spreads around the world and we invest in hand sanitiser to protect our physical hygiene, many are falling victim...

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