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Tag: Autonomy

Leadership Styles: The 11 Most Common & How to I Found Mine [+ Expert Insights]

Imagine the leaders that inspire you. Each is likely unique, with a different style they use to meet goals, motivate, and animate their teams. <!--><!--> There...

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Putting the ‘E’ in integrative STEM instruction

Key points: STEM learning essential, helping students develop skills such as critical thinking and problem solving–skills that will help them be successful in college and...

Bringing Human and AI Agents Together for Enhanced Customer Experience – KDNuggets

Sponsored Content    Businesses understand that it is important to not only provide good products or services, but also offer great customer experience. Companies often struggle...

What If Banning Smartphones in Schools Is Just the Beginning? – EdSurge News

The movement to keep smartphones out of schools is gaining momentum.Just last week, the nation’s second-largest public school system, Los Angeles Unified School District,...

SoftBank boss says ‘artificial superintelligence’ is close

Asia In Brief SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son last week told investors he believes an "artificial superintelligence" that has 10,000 times the intelligence of humans...

Tesla’s Robotaxi unveiling a ‘historical moment’ in story, catalyst to $1T market cap: Wedbush

By Joey Klender Posted on June 21, 2024 Tesla is set to unveil its Robotaxi on August 8 and as the automaker plans to...

Equity vs Revenue Share: Choosing the Right Path

When a startup decides to raise capital through crowdfunding, the following question often poses itself: “Should I offer equity or revenue share to potential...

Ovzon’s first broadband satellite reaches geostationary slot

TAMPA, Fla. — Ovzon’s first fully owned satellite has reached its geostationary position after a five-month journey in space and passed initial health checks,...

Framework: Levels of AI delegation in decision-making – Ross Dawson

Soon virtually every decision will involve AI. For every decision we make, the critical first step is to determine the level of AI delegation....

Artillery goes trucking to survive drones swarming the battlefield

PARIS — French artillery engineers had a simple idea: Take a big gun, mount it on a truck, and you’ve got self-propelled artillery at...

A Virtual Rat With an AI Brain Could Mean Better Robots – Decrypt

Science has built a better rat, controlled by an artificial intelligence (AI) brain.This virtual rodent, developed by researchers at Harvard and Google's DeepMind AI...

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