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Tag: arithmetic

The Limits of Computing: Why Even in the Age of AI, Some Problems Are Just Too Difficult

Empowered by artificial intelligence technologies, computers today can engage in convincing conversations with people, compose songs, paint paintings, play chess and go, and diagnose...

New Proof Distinguishes Mysterious and Powerful ‘Modular Forms’

IntroductionIn a new proof, a long-neglected mathematical object has finally gotten its moment in the spotlight. At first glance, modular forms — functions whose abundant...

Fujitsu and University of Toronto optimize network transformation with Digital Annealer to help customers significantly cut network operations costs

TOKYO, Mar 08, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - Fujitsu today confirmed the effectiveness of Fujitsu's Quantum-inspired Digital Annealer (1) technology (2) for optimizing the...

Serious Security: TPM 2.0 vulns – is your super-secure data at risk?

by Paul Ducklin Even if you’re not entirely sure what a TPM is, you’ll probably know that if you want...

Advanced NumPy: Broadcasting and Strides

Introduction NumPy is an open-source library in python and a must-learn if you want to enter the data science ecosystem. It is the library underpinning...

Must Read NLP Papers from the Last 12 Months

Photo by Anil Sharma on Pexels  Since the groundbreaking release of BERT in October 2018, machine learning has achieved ever greater heights through clever optimization and augmented compute. BERT, which stands for...

ExpressVPN vs NordVPN [2023] Comparison – 7 Metrics You NEED to See

While there are hundreds of VPN services available today, there is a handful that stands out from the rest of the pack. ExpressVPN and...

GRE syllabus 2023

Table of contents GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is a standardized test used by graduate schools and business programs in many countries as...

Tips And Tricks to Score a perfect 170 in GRE Quant

Table of contents The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is a standardized test that is widely used as an admission requirement for graduate...

Facebook (Meta) Announces Launch of ChatGPT Rival ‘LLaMA’

Meta has trained a system they name LLaMA and plans to reveal it to researchers. An AI arms race for a slice of...

Learning Python in Four Weeks: A Roadmap

Image by author  It’s time for you to learn Python. That’s not just my suggestion: Python currently sits atop the TIOBE Index (February 2023) measuring...

Using hip-hop as a mnemonic strategy to impact student learning

What are mnemonic devices? Mnemonic devices are sometimes simple rhyme phrases, which can make it easier to capture and retain information. Another typical mnemonic...

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