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Tag: anywhere

How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing The American Workplace

How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing The American Workplace

As many Americans begin their return to office life, how cannabis fits into the equation again comes to a head.

The post How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing The American Workplace appeared first on The Fresh Toast.

CACI ramping up production of optical terminals for low Earth orbit satellites

CACI will deliver 40 optical communications terminals for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Blackjack satellites in low Earth orbit.

The post CACI ramping up production of optical terminals for low Earth orbit satellites appeared first on SpaceNews.

Halo Infinite: FormaL’s HCS Free Agency Begins, TSM Tease Interest

ESTNN discusses what could be next for FormaL in the Halo Championship Series. The Halo Infinite journey of retired Call…

The post Halo Infinite: FormaL’s HCS Free Agency Begins, TSM Tease Interest appeared first on Esports News Network | ESTNN.

Who’s Hiring in the Weed Industry? The Top Cannabis Employers in America Right Now!

There are many other benefits to working in the cannabis industry: it provides stable employment for as long as you’re good at what you do, and there will always be lots of work to be done. The industry only continues to grow so cannabis jobs aren’t going to go anywhere. Additionally, the pandemic has proved that the cannabis industry is resistant to recessions, as authorities have deemed cannabis sales an essential service even where other shops and businesses were forced to shut down at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to get a Mystery Gift in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Never miss out on another freebie!

Cannabis & Covid: Why Eastern Medicine Should Never Be Ignored

You’ve seen the headlines at this point, everyone has. It’s the new rage in covid-related discussions, and the talk at every party. That’s right, it finally broke that cannabis might be able to be used against covid-19, the pandemic that’s got everyone riled up. But shouldn’t we already know this? Why is this even news? […]

The post Cannabis & Covid: Why Eastern Medicine Should Never Be Ignored appeared first on CBD Testers.

Hunt: Showdown is the game that’s better when you’re bad at it

An assassin made of insects and knives shrieks somewhere in the dilapidated church behind me. I'll deal with that in a minute, for now I need to focus on something even more terrifying: a man with a rifle. Moments before, he'd landed a headshot on my partner before disappearing back into the treeline. We think he was alone - but you can never be too sure. By now, he could be anywhere, but I'm banking on him being exactly where I would be: cowering in a bush, healing, reloading, and getting ready to emerge again. If he isn't, aiming out the window at this bush will prove very foolish of me. Every passing second, that possibility weighs heavier. Another moment passes, and - there he is, crouch-walking from one bush to another, rifle raised, but not pointed in my direction. I have him dead to rights.

I take the shot.

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As It Embraces Bitcoin, Nigeria Offers Lessons To The Developing World

As Bitcoin becomes more widely accepted in Nigeria, the country offers lessons in self-custody practices for Bitcoiners in developing nations.

Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PS Vita Games

Help us build a definitive list.

Can you believe that the PS Vita is almost ten years old? Next month, Sony’s impossibly pretty handheld platform will double its digits, and we’re hoping to mark the occasion with a list of the Best PS Vita Games – as decided by you! We had a lot of fun polling you on the PS3 recently, and now we’re eager to repeat the same feat with PlayStation’s misunderstood portable.

There may not be anywhere near as many games to choose from, but over its decade-or-so of support, PS Vita assembled a versatile and likeable library of great titles. While the console was originally billed as a console you could take on the go, it eventually evolved into an indie powerhouse, and with cross-buy and cross-save, it served as something of a precursor to the Nintendo Switch.

Read the full article on pushsquare.com

Week Ahead – RBA, BOE, ECB, OPEC+, and NFP in focus

After a rollercoaster January, Wall Street is now expecting the Fed to aggressively raise interest rates over the course of the year as they scramble to control inflation. The US dollar is once again king as most economists are now expecting the Fed to deliver anywhere between 3-7 rate hikes this year. The upcoming week […]

Billionaire’s Bidding War: America’s Last, Great Piece Of Real Estate Hits The Market

One of the largest private oceanfront properties in the U.S. just went up for sale. For a cool $50M+ America's next-most-famous-generational-estate could be yours forever

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