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Tag: Anxiety

Do Psychedelic Mushrooms Have an Entourage Effect Similar to Cannabis?

Understanding How The Entourage Effect Works In Psychedelic Mushrooms Learn fascinating ways about how magic mushrooms work! Most of us are already familiar with the entourage...

Dandi Raises $1.3M For its Fertility Care Platform That Enhances IVF Treatment With Patient Support

When accounting for IVF, genetic testing, donor services, and reproductive tissue storage, the fertility market in the US is estimated to be more than...

A Deep Dive into the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Mental Health – Swiss Medical Study Gives Fuel for US Research

New Study Dives Deep Into The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana For Patients’ Mental Health Cannabis Is A Healing Tool In More Ways Than One As of...

Did the Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype Push Cannabis Rescheduling Forward?

The Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype https://neurosciencenews.com/attention-cannabis-psychology-25994/ https://www.reddit.com/r/psychology/comments/1cdsuhj/cannabis_users_stay_motivated_lazy_stoner_myth/ For decades, the stereotype of the "lazy stoner" has been deeply ingrained in our collective unconscious, thanks to...

The rise of Bitcoin ETFs and future market implications

The following is a guest post from Shane Neagle.Regardless of an asset’s fundamentals, its value is governed by one underlying feature – market liquidity....

Is It Fair and Accurate for AI to Grade Standardized Tests? – EdSurge News

Texas is turning over some of the scoring process of its high-stakes standardized tests to robots. News outlets have detailed the rollout by the...

Student-centered everything: ClassVR in special education

This post originally appeared on ClassVR’s blog and is republished here with permission. Key points: Spaulding Academy & Family Services is a small, non-profit special education...

Website Trust Indicators and Their Influence on Consumer Behavior

These days every click, scroll, and purchase can be made from the comfort of our homes, and the necessity for trust in online spaces...

Embrace the Magic: A Happy Hippie’s Journey of Love, Cannabis, and Self-Discovery

Once upon a time in the enchanting Bieszczady Mountains of Poland, nestled among the breathtaking landscapes, a happy hippie found solace and joy at...

How CBD Coffee Can Transform Your Morning and Your Health

In the quest for a perfect morning routine, many seek a balance between invigorating their day and managing stress. Enter a unique combination that’s...

Why the Chief AI Officer Is Becoming Important

The chief AI officer (CAIO) is fast gaining traction as an important leadership role for companies integrating artificial intelligence to optimize their operations. The position...

Which Is Better Hemp Or Cannabis CBD

CBD can be a natural way to treat a variety of issues and help your wellbeing – but did you realize there is a choice? It...

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