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Tag: Anxiety

Three actions to boost your organization’s resilience against coronavirus disruptions

With the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), CIOs should focus on three short-term actions to increase their organizations’ resilience against disruptions and prepare...

Watch this adorable penguin visit his neighbors on a ‘field trip’ around his empty aquarium

By Amanda Yeo2020-03-16 01:47:03 UTC If you need a 30-second respite from the avalanche of terror and anxiety bearing down upon...

Week in review: Trojanized hacking tools, coronavirus scams, (IN)SECURE Magazine special issue

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: The haphazard response to COVID-19 demonstrates the value of enterprise...

The movies we’re watching on repeat while stuck at home

What to watch, what to watch... Image: Vicky Leta / Mashable By Angie Han2020-03-14 15:39:04 UTC In theory, social distancing is the...

30 bedding deals to help you recuperate from daylight saving time

Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Upgrade your entire bed. Image: big...

Marijuana And Liquor Sales Rise As Americans Self-Isolate From Coronavirus

In the intersection of the COVID-19 outbreak and marijuana businesses across the U.S., two different stories have emerged.At the top of the pecking...

Alabama Senate Approves Medical Cannabis Legalization Bill

Alabama is one step closer to legalizing medical marijuana after the state senate approved a bill this week to permit the treatment for...

What The Coronavirus Has Taught Us About Safe Drug Use

The explosion of coronavirus cases has awakened the world as to how quickly diseases may spread in our mobile society. We have all...

Alabama Senate Approves Medical Marijuana

The Alabama Senate has voted 22-11 in favor of legalizing medical marijuana tablets, topicals and edibles in the state.SB 165 would create the...

How to fight loneliness during coronavirus social distancing

We're all in this together. Image: Shutterstock / Piotr Swat By Rachel Thompson2020-03-13 17:02:49 UTC The world is currently battling "the worst...

COLUMN: Adventures with Weed and Spirituality

“I’m not that spiritual, I still go out all the time to department stores.”That’s a lyric I really like from the song Quiet...

Congress Approves Bills That Will Expand Medical Marijuana Acess For Veterans

A pair of key bills that could expand veterans’ access to medical marijuana passed in a House Committee this week. One piece of...

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