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Tag: and advantages

IP Rights, Access, and WHO’s Pandemic Accord

On February 1, 2023 the Zero Draft of the WHO’s proposed Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord was published by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body....

Lords Mobile Tips and Tricks

Playing Lords Mobile is easy. You won’t need any advanced tips from me for that… Becoming a pro at Lords Mobile, however, will require...

Mastering AI Optimization and Deployment with Intel’s OpenVINO Toolkit

Introduction We talk about AI almost daily due to its growing impact in replacing humans’ manual work. Building AI-enabled software has rapidly grown in a...

Unlocking Institutional Opportunities: Navigating the World of Asset Tokenization | Ledger

In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services, asset tokenization has emerged as a pivotal force, promising transformative possibilities for institutions. A recent report,...

What is the process for transferring health insurance coverage in India?

Introduction In current scenario, the significance of the right health insurance coverage cannot be overstated. However, as life unfolds, so do your insurance needs. This...

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