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Tag: anchoring

Venus Medtech VenusP-Valve Completed First Implantation in IDE Pivotal Clinical Study in U.S. | BioSpace

HANGZHOU, China, June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Venus Medtech (02500. HK), a leading provider of integrated solutions for transcatheter structural heart valvular therapies in...

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Patent Office Issued 243 Patents to Indiana Entities in March 2024

The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 243 patents to persons and businesses in Indiana in March 2024: Patent Number                                      Title US 11943517 B2 Method and apparatus for...

The animated sci-fi mystery Mars Express aims high and lands among the stars

Science fiction has always been a fertile genre for telling stories that revolve around mysteries. From Ridley Scott’s classic Blade Runner to Mamoru Oshii’s...

With Chinese warships anchoring in Cambodia, the US needs to respond

The recent mooring of Chinese warships at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base marked the unofficial inauguration of China’s first overseas naval post in the Indo-Pacific...

5 Common Uses for Grommets

Are you familiar with grommets? Consisting of a ring-shaped piece of material with a hole in the center, they look like rubber O-rings. While...

Explore Y8U.AI ICO: Innovating Digital Identity via Web3

Quick Overview:  Y8U.AI leverages the Humans blockchain and IPFS technology for creating and storing digital clones, enhancing data security and user privacy through smart contracts. Includes...

Charting a New Course: Why the US Navy Must Confront Unrealistic Optimism

At the 2024 Sea-Air-Space defense conference hosted by the Navy League from April 8-10, U.S. Navy leadership and major defense contractor executives convened in...

Merlin Chain Sets New Standard for Blockchain Security and Innovation with State-of-the-Art Chain Architecture

Singapore, April 11th, 2024 — Merlin Chain, a trailblazer in Bitcoin-native layer 2 (L2) protocols, has rolled out a comprehensive suite of security measures...

2024 MLB: 2023 Non-Playoff Teams to Watch This Season

Major League Baseball is back for its 2024 season and we are back with another season preview article focusing on four teams that didn’t...

Bitcoin short-term holder realized price growth hits a speed bump

The realized Bitcoin price represents the average on-chain acquisition cost. It’s a handy metric as it perfectly gauges the market’s valuation baseline at any...

Battling the Numbers: South Korea’s Military Downsizes Amid Challenging Demographic Landscape

As society navigates an era of rapid change and uncertainty, the Republic of Korea (ROK), also known as South Korea, faces a demographic crisis...

Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade

Executive SummaryThe Dencun Upgrade on Ethereum introduces new data storage capacities, aimed at reducing fee costs of its Layer-2 scaling solutions.The upgrade also implements...

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