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Tag: among

Designing human review workflows with Amazon Translate and Amazon Augmented AI

The world is becoming smaller as many businesses and organizations expand globally. As businesses expand their reach to wider audiences across different linguistic...

Twitter Marketing for Cannabis Businesses and Cannabis-Related Businesses

Twitter is an important channel for cannabis businesses and cannabis-related businesses to indirectly market their products and services. According to research conducted by Pew...

Doctors Prescribe Certain Opioids 20% Less in Medical Marijuana States, Study Finds

Rates of certain opioid prescriptions are as much as 20 percent lower in states with legal medical cannabis than in prohibition states, a...

How chatbots help us in confronting coronavirus?

The coronavirus epidemic took us by surprise. Unfortunately, mortality from the virus continues to grow at a fairly high percentage....

Digital Distancing with Microsegmentation

Physical distancing has blunted a virus's impact; the same idea can be applied to computers and networks to minimize breaches, attacks, and infections....

Eaton: Denominator Effect Overblown

A new report from Eaton Partners indicates that most institutional investors are remaining with their private market allocations despite increased stress from the...

Whistleblowers Report Facebook for Ignoring Illegal Drug Sales on Platform

Photo viaA campaign to target and sanction Facebook, led by the National Whistleblower Center, filed its first complaint with the federal Securities and...

South Korea’s LG Joins Hedera Hashgraph’s DLT Governing Council

Hardware organization LG joined Hedera Hashgraph’s Governing Council on Wednesday, turning into its fourteenth part.  The expansion edges Hedera toward its chamber’s drawn out...

How To Use Cannabis To Combat PMS Symptoms

If you’re among the countless women who are forced to endure the wrath of PMS, with its cramps, bloating, headaches, and mood swings...

Starling Bank Scores Another £40 Million from Existing Investors

Starling Bank, a UK-based challenger bank, has raised £40 million (around $49.2 million) in the latest funding round from its existing investors. Officially...

BitcoinPOS – A Better Way to Transfer Value

Advertisement     Bitcoin was created as “ Peer-to-Peer electronic cash”, according to the whitepaper. However, the oldest and leading cryptocurrency has over...

Contact Tracing for COVID-19

Step 2b: Assessing Self-Quarantine Support Needs Emphasis should be placed on helping contacts identify any need for social support during self-quarantine. Self-quarantine of close contacts...

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