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Tag: Amazon

Why is a CBD Formulator the Key to CBD Brand Success?

As the sun rises on a new day, another CBD brand appears. It's selling the same white label CBD products as all the others, made from oils that are rich in CBD and low in THC. The only difference is that the product has been packaged in a slightly different container, and there's a new name and logo printed on top. The CBD market has quickly become the area of the cannabis industry that's suffering most from a lack of differentiation. So, what’s a CBD brand to do? Well, one recommendation would be to partner up with a CBD formulator.

The post Why is a CBD Formulator the Key to CBD Brand Success? appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

The Shrinking Stock Market

The post The Shrinking Stock Market appeared first on ClickIPO.

How to Stay Out of the CBD Graveyard

The passing of the 2018 Farm Bill gave CBD exactly what it needed to soar. As a result, the CBD industry in 2019 has already experienced exponential growth. Data suggests the trend will continue in the years to come, with the CEO of ArcView Group, Tony Dayton, predicting that CBD product sales will climb to $20 billion by 2024. For CBD brands and businesses, both established and emerging, this can only mean one thing… heightened competition and less opportunity to control market share.

The post How to Stay Out of the CBD Graveyard appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

BOOM! Studios’ Rapid Rise with Founder & CEO Ross Richie

Tyler welcomes BOOM! Studios President and CEO Ross Richie to talk about the company’s rapid rise from humble beginnings to a top publisher...

Regen Network: this may just be the best use of blockchain technology and token incentives that I have seen so far.

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How Cannabis Companies Succeed on Twitter

Since it’s conception, the platform has given helped start movements through countless hashtags. However, even with 326M monthly active users and 500M daily tweets, the channel is still an enigma to many.

The post How Cannabis Companies Succeed on Twitter appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

5 of the Biggest Data Breaches So Far in 2019: What Happened?

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen it comes to data breaches, 2019 already looks ominous. More than one billion records were exposed in the first...

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How to Nail Your Pitch with Writer Ryan K Lindsay

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How Can The Market Be at An All Time High and There Be A Freight Recession – Part II

In my previous post I outlined why I believe freight is slowing.  Certain signals in the marketplace are telling us employment adds are decreasing, inventories are increasing and the PMI is decreasing.  All of these are signs of a slowing economy.  (For the record, I do not believe by any stretch the economy will contract - it is just we should not get used to GDP growth rates of 3% into the future).  This slowing has resulted in less loads per truck and prices going down.

So, how can the stock market be hitting an all time high?  I believe it is due to 3 reasons (Warning, I know a lot more about freight than I do about investing but here goes):

  1. The alternative investment (10yr as a proxy)
  2. % of the economy which has nothing to do with goods
  3. The Fed.
What is happening:

Let me start off by showing what is actually happening:

This chart compares the Dow Jones Transportation Index to the DJ30 and the S&P500.  This is a one year return graph and ends on June 21.  As of June 21, the DJ30 is up 6.66%, the SPX is up 7.1% and yet the DJT is DOWN 3.91% Bottom line is investors are shunning transports yet still embracing the overall economy.  Why?

The Alternative Investment:

Investors are going to invest.  That is what they do and they have two macro alternatives.  First, they can invest in the "risk" markets (i.e., stocks) or they can invest in what is generally considered the "risk free" or "near risk free" investment.  I will use the 10yr as a proxy for this second grouping.  What we have seen recently is not only a 10 year treasury at multi year lows but we are also hearing the Fed discussing lowering the rates even further.  This will drive investment dollars away from the "risk free" and into the markets. 

It is no coincidence towards the end of last year when the Fed was not only raising rates but also calling for 3 rate hikes in 2019 the stock market tanked.  Investors were deciding to move away from risk assets as the risk free was looking pretty good.  Not so much any more as the 10yr is now bouncing around the 2% level.

The graph to the left is the graph of the 10 year treasury rates as of Friday, June 21.  This movement of rates down has caused money to flow back into the risk asset markets and specifically look at the major move down since mid May.  This is when the Fed made it pretty clear the only action they likely will take is a move down in rates. 

% of The Economy Which Does Not Have Anything to Do with Shippable Goods:

This one is a bit nuanced.  Let's just look at 30 years ago and think about what it meant for the economy to be growing at 3%.  It was intuitive that the growth had to have much to do with autos, real hard electronics, housing etc. etc.  These are all very "hard" goods which drove the economy. 

Today, when we the economy grows at 3% more of it has to do with finance, services and the infamous FANG stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google - Alphabet).  Only one of these, Amazon, ships anything.  The rest make their money in the "virtual" world.  Very important to the economy but not so important to trucking.  The graph below illustrates this:

Non Shipment Economy
The inverse of this graph is to ask how much of GDP is due to MFG:

Both of these graphs tell the same story.  GDP can grow at a high rate and not have shippable product tendered to carriers.  - Economy grows yet a freight recession sets in. 

The Fed

What else can I say?  The Fed has made a huge 180 degree turn around in the last few months and whether that is due to political pressure or real economics I will leave it to the real economists to figure out. But, reality is, the Fed has signaled rates are going down and they have somewhat backed themselves into a corner as it would be outright lying if they did not do this.  This means more money will continue to go into inflating the asset bubble and less money will go into bonds. 

I hope I have now explained (sorry for the two part length) why the freight recession likely will continue however the economy, as measured by the markets and GDP, will continue to do quite well.  

  1. Economy is slowing
  2. Investors have to invest in the market to get any kind of return due to the "risk free" paying so low.
  3. Investors are shunning the transports
  4. This drives the market to records
  5. Less and less of the GDP has to do with "shippable goods"
This is a link to Part 1 of this posting (for those reading on a reader)

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