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Tag: almost

Mauricio de Sousa Productions: comic success underpinned by intellectual property

Did you grow up with “Monica’s Friends”? Founded over 60 years ago, Mauricio de Sousa Productions has become one of Brazil’s most successful comic book and animation publishers. What role has intellectual property played in this success?

Graphenel: pioneering graphene production in Viet Nam

Graphenel JSC, based in Ho Chi Minh City, is a technology company with a novel approach to graphene production. Jane Phung, the company’s international business development manager, discusses the role IP plays in supporting Graphenel’s ambition to become a leading supplier of graphene-based materials.

New issue of Music & Copyright with South Korea country report

The latest issue of Music & Copyright is now available for subscribers to download. Here are some of the highlights. ABBA set to take the burgeoning world of avatar performance to the next level Avatars are beginning to cut through in the music business. TV talent shows are set to provide a new platform for … Continue reading New issue of Music & Copyright with South Korea country report

Argos: Making Good Course Design Easy and Fun

How courseware could work with real product/market fit in mind.

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Argos: Upcycling Course Design

The reason that courseware has disappointed as a product category is that we failed to understand the product/market fit of the paper textbook.

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Announcing Argos Education

I'm doing something stupid and forming a start-up. At my age. This post will tell you why.

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It’s Farewell to Shelston IP, as IPH Executes Another ‘Integration’

It’s Farewell to Shelston IP, as IPH Executes Another ‘Integration’

IntegrationThe corporate behemoth that is IPH Limited (ASX:IPH) – which at close on 10 September 2021 had a market capitalisation of A$2.00 billion, and was trading at a near-all-time-high of A$9.270 – has, through a series of acquisitions and ‘integrations’, brought about the demise of a number of well-known names in the Australasian IP firmament.  Fisher Adams Kelly, Callinans, Cullens, Watermark and Baldwins are all brands that, until not so long ago, were familiar to anyone with an interest in the IP services market, but which no longer exist.  And on 8 September 2021, IPH announced [PDF, 98kB] that Shelston IP is next in line.  Shelston IP will be integrated with Spruson & Ferguson Australia, with the combined firm operating under the Spruson & Ferguson brand from 1 November 2021, at which time the Shelston IP brand will be retired.  Full systems integration is expected to occur in December 2021.

Ironically, at the time of writing, the ‘About us’ page (Wayback Machine archive, for posterity) on the Shelston IP web site summarises the firm’s history as follows:

Shelston IP has provided excellence in intellectual property for over 160 years. Throughout this time we have developed deep relationships with our clients including with some of the world’s most recognisable companies; relationships that span more than fifty years. Like our clients we never stand still and have innovated, grown and aligned our business for success ensuring we will still be here in another 100 years.

Sadly, this is not to be, and many (me included) will be sad to see the demise of yet another firm with such a long history.  But IPH – unlike Xenith IP Group Limited, the listed entity that Shelston IP itself established and which went on to own Watermark and Griffith Hack before being acquired by IPH – has been uncompromising in its determination to generate greater efficiencies and profitability from its stable of firms.  And while IPH is not without critics, both within and outside the profession, it is no mean feat to build a A$2 billion company.  By my estimation, this now makes IPH large enough for inclusion in the ASX 200 index.  Love it or hate it, according to established financial metrics, IPH is a hugely successful enterprise.

I have taken a look at some of the data on changes in the number of patent attorneys at firms within the IPH group over the past 18 months or so, as well as the group’s patent filing numbers over the past financial year, to try to get a sense of where the IPH businesses may be heading.  I was also fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with IPH CEO, Dr Andrew Blattman, on Friday 10 September 2021.  In what follows, I will present a few of my observations, along with relevant comments from my discussion with Dr Blattman.

Dr Blattman is, of course, the CEO of a listed company, and he has obligations to shareholders and the market that may limit what he can say publicly, and which at the same time constrain him from misleading the market in any way.  Not everyone (including me) will agree with everything he says.  However, I have done my best to accurately report his comments without distorting or misrepresenting his views.  (I have used the blockquote style when reporting Dr Blattman’s comments to clearly differentiate them from my opinions and commentary, although it will be obvious from the context that they are not exact quotes.)  I am not trying to engage in hard-hitting journalism here, just to be a source of information and opinion.  And please keep in mind, if you choose to engage through the comments section at the end, that the High Court has just confirmed that I am legally responsible for any defamatory content you may post!

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Did the Pandemic Affect 2020 Australian PCT Filings?

Did the Pandemic Affect 2020 Australian PCT Filings?

International CooperationAs I reported back in January, there were some indications of weakening patent filings by Australian applicants in 2020.  Domestic applicants filed 10% fewer Australian standard applications than in 2019.  And while provisional filings overall fell by only 2%, those prepared with professional assistance – which involve greater expense, but are also far more likely to provide a sound basis for valuable future patent rights – fell by nearly 5%.  While perhaps not the sole factor, it is logical to assume that the business impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was somewhat influential in this decline.  Of course, Australian application numbers are not the only indicator of filing activity.  Each year, Australian residents file over 1,500 international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), representing potential future filings not only in Australia, but also in any of the other 152 (as at the time of writing) contracting states.  So it is also interesting to know whether there was a corresponding decline in PCT filings by Australian residents in 2020.

The short answer is, possibly, but not as large as the decline in standard application filings.  While it is almost certain that some PCT applications filed in 2020 have yet to be published, and are therefore not visible, the worst-case decline in international filings by Australian residents is around 6%.  However, once all applications are published and available to be counted, there may be closer to 2% fewer PCT applications filed by Australians in 2020 as compared with 2019.  This would be consistent with a similar decline in the previous year, and with the recent trend in provisional filings, which predate the pandemic.

Furthermore, the pattern of PCT filings across 2020 was much the same as in previous years, with no indication of applicant behaviour being influenced by the progress of the pandemic.

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Showell Review 2023: Features, Pricing & More

Today, we are going to review Showell, a sales enablement and collaboration solution for modern businesses. Showell allows Sales teams to:Have access to their...

A Step-by-step Tutorial for Building a Temperature Converter Website

This tutorial will take you step-by-step to build a temperature converter website. For the full project spec, you can check it out on DevProjects!

XR Marketing in a Post-pandemic World – Stambol

30 Aug XR Marketing in a Post-pandemic World by Stambol It may seem ambitious. Using the term post-pandemic....

AI, Cheating, and Faking It

No, really.

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