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Ibotta builds a self-service data lake with AWS Glue

This is a guest post co-written by Erik Franco at Ibotta. Ibotta is a free cash back rewards and payments app that gives consumers real cash for everyday purchases when they shop and pay through the app. Ibotta provides thousands of ways for consumers to earn cash on their purchases by partnering with more than […]

Pink Panties Strain Review

The Pink Panties weed strain is an indica-dominant hybrid developed from a Burmese Blackberry Kush father and an OG Kush mother. Several sources list Florida Kush rather than OG Kush when describing the Pink Panties strain genetics, but don’t be confused. Many cultivators believe Florida Kush to be the original OG Kush strain – the ...

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Magic Melon Strain Review

There is no doubt that Humboldt Seed Company has made their hometown of Humboldt County, California, proud with this delectable strain. The Magic Melon strain boasts an impressive genetic lineage, robust terpene profile, exceptional growth patterns, and desirable THC content, checking all the right boxes.  Sativa/Indica Indoor Yield Outdoor Yield Flowering Period 60%/40% 0.5-1 oz/ft2 ...

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Gary Payton Strain Review

Is the Gary Payton strain indica or sativa? It’s a 50/50 hybrid but tends to be sativa leaning in effects and appearance. This tall plant develops small, grape-shaped nugs in shades of forest green to minty green with hints of purple. Sativa/Indica Indoor Yield Outdoor Yield Flowering Period 50%/50% 1-1.5 oz/ft2 18-20 oz per plant ...

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Harlequin Strain

Harlequin is a special strain for many reasons. A diverse parentage, this hybrid has the best of all worlds, not to mention its solid CBD levels and ability to cure many pain conditions. This is what makes this strain indispensable, and what will continue to make it a popular sativa for recreational and medical users ...

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Micro-cultivation of Cannabis

Micro-cultivating marijuana simply means growing your favorite marijuana strain on a small scale. If you are a new cannabis enthusiast who would like to grow a few strands in your garden, micro cultivation might just be the right way to start. Micro-cultivation does not mean you are a novice in the cannabis business. Even established cannabis farmers try out micro cultivation many times.  To grow a new strain, they might simply experiment with a few stands. In addition to helping you decide on yield and quality, these methods also save you huge money on an investment. For starters, if you need to play the marijuana business safely, then welcome to micro-cultivation!


Micro-cultivating Marijuana –What you need to know 

Marijuana is way different from other plants. As one of the most popular plants ever grown by humans. Marijuana has survived thousands of years of farming history. No, it is not just by mere chance. The plant has learned to adapt, and humans have learned the best ways to cultivate it. From seedling to transplanting, tendering, and harvesting, many proven methods work best in marijuana cultivation.  If you are cultivating this same plant on a smaller scale, you have a lot to consider. In addition to learning how to scale down these methods, you will want to understand the basics of micro-cultivation. The basics should include parameters that directly help your chances of success. These include:

  1. Securing a Security Clearance

This depends solely on the cannabis legislation in your region. For instance, in Canada, you are required to get a license for cannabis micro-cultivation from Health Canada. In some other countries, the licensing requirements might be different. Either way, micro-cultivation licenses give you legal backing to grow marijuana on a small scale. 

  1. Secured Perimeter

Of course, you will want to safeguard your investment. Regardless of the number of marijuana stands you are cultivating, you need to micro-cultivate your marijuana in a secured perimeter. You can consider an indoor cultivation method if you live in a busy neighborhood and you cannot completely keep your plants safe. If not, investing in the right type of fencing and locks may just do with outdoor cultivation. 

  1. Invest in a good Pesticide

You will need this. Since you are growing a few stands, your chances of crop failure significantly increase if your plant gets infested. A good pesticide will help you keep out pests and make sure you have a good harvest at the end of the growing season. However, you will want to be careful with your choice of pesticide. Using a pesticide that interferes with the characteristics of your weed might spoil your micro-cultivation experience. Therefore, it is recommended that you ask the necessary questions when you visit an agrochemical store to get one. 

Requirements You Need to Fulfil

Essentially, micro-cultivation is not exactly different from your regular cannabis farming procedures. It is just that you do it on a smaller scale. The requirements you need to fulfill with a large marijuana farming are the same here. You only need to scale down these requirements. Here are the most important requirements you need to consider before selecting your choice of marijuana strain for micro-cultivation. 


  1. Space Set-Up

Although you need a small space, you will want to make sure you get the right space setup. Your space setup should give the plant enough light and air for growth. Your choice of growing areas is not restricted. Capered with large sale marijuana farming, you have more choice of growing space to consider. You might decide to use a cupboard, DIY tent, bar fridge, or an abandoned basement. The minimum dimension of space recommended for marijuana micro-cultivation is 35 x 35 x 75cm. The minimum space dimension allows you to make adjustments for lighting, watering, and ventilation.

  1. Select the Right Volume of Growth Medium

Your best choice of growing medium for cannabis micro-cultivation is nutrient-rich soil. It is difficult to set up a hydroponic system in a confined space. Except you see other growing mediums sold online and specifically made for micro-cultivation, nutrient-rich soil is your best choice. Since your space setup is already small, you will want to use a small soil quantity with the right nutrients for your marijuana (Embed the link to the ‘Marijuana and Fertilizers' article).  

The root system is another crucial factor that can determine your choice of growth medium and volume. Many marijuana strains tend to occupy the same space below the ground as they do above. So, you will want to consider the root system, the mature plant's probable height, and the size of the leaves. As a rough guide, you can consider the different pot sizes we have below and their impact on the final height of your weed strain.

  • 12L pots: ~1–1.5m

  • 5L pots: ~60cm

  • 2–3L pots: ~24cm

  • 500ml pots: ~13cm

The final height of your plant chiefly depends on the type of strains you are cultivating. If you can make more space for your stands, that is not bad too. The chart above is only an estimate guide.  

  1. Get the Right Grow Light 

With indoor micro-cultivation, you need the right growing lights. You won't want to have too much heat in your confined space. For the right growing light for micro-cultivation, you will want to invest in the right lights. 

  • Fluorescent Tubes

This light source is relatively cheap, and you might get suggestions to use them. Fluorescent tubes offer an excellent light output. The main problem with this light type is that they produce too much heat that is required, and they are not generally a broad spectrum o; you will need to invest in a variety to suit your light needs.



High-Pressure Sodium and High Wattage Metal Halide are other light options you might want to consider. They are lightweight and give off a large spectrum of light. However, HPS and HPI lights are not exactly suitable for micro-cultivation as they generate too much heat. In addition, you run the risk of drying out your plant by using these lights at a high capacity.


  • LED Light

Light Emitting Diodes bulbs are common suggestions for a light source in micro-cultivation. They are compact, save energy, and let off a large spectrum of light. As a result, your plant gets the right spectrum throughout its growth cycle. The only disadvantage here is that LED light panels are expensive, but they are definitely worth the price. LED panels are especially good for this purpose; they generate almost no heat, occupy little space, and produce the right amount of light you need daily.

Since your growth size is small, you might only need to run the LED panels at only 25-50%. The percentage might differ as your plant grows. During the blooming stage, we recommend a 50-75% capacity.


  1. Proper Place of Grow Light

The type of grow light you get is as important as your knowledge of light placement. If you don't know how best to place your grow light, you might miss out on the best yield your strain could produce. In large-scale cannabis plantations, you will find the grow light placed directly above the plants. But since you are working with a confined space here, you will want to improvise on this. If you use vertical space, you will get a lot done by placing your grow light along multiple sides of the plant. In addition to exposing different parts of your plant to light, this will also help grow a bigger canopy. Your skills in light placement might help regulate how tall or stretched your plant grows.   


The Best Marijuana Strains for Micro-cultivation

Have you selected the strains you would like to plant in your micro space? If not, we might have a range of options you can consider. 

Micro-cultivation does not limit your choice of marijuana strain. Since you are growing the plant on a small scale, all you have to do is adjust the growth parameters to fit your selected strain. However, we recommend starting with strains that stay small, offering good yield, and not growing too bushy. These qualities depend on the genetics of the seed. You can simply make inquiries about the seeds before you purchase them.

You will also want to select auto-flowering strains. If you are starting weed cultivation as a novice, auto-flowering strains are your best option. During their growth cycle, these strains automatically transition into the flowering period. This is independent of the amount of light penetration they have. Many marijuana strains in this category also remain small and grow good yields.


Final Thoughts on Marijuana Micro-cultivation

Micro-cultivation is an exciting journey for the 420 culture. You can easily monitor your plants as they grow, adjust the growing conditions, and make many choices along the way. There is no better way to prepare you for large-scale cannabis cultivation. You must learn how your plant responds to changes in growth conditions. Get the best growing technique, and don't forget to water your plants as required. If you do everything right, you should have a good harvest for personal use. 


Type Of Seed to Buy? Feminized or Auto-flowering

Starting a cannabis farm requires a lot of planning. Not only do you have to plan, but you also require a great deal of determination to see your plant through the seedling, vegetative and flowering stages. Well, don't be scared. You can get your desired plant yield on your first trial if you have just the right information. Over the last few years, many people have started cannabis cultivation. In 2019 alone, the global cannabis cultivation market was estimated to be worth about $123.9 billion. From 2020 to 2027, this value is expected to grow consistently at a compound annual growth rate of 14.3%. This translates to more cannabis cultivation operations and the commercialization of weed products.

Regardless of your purpose for cannabis cultivation, there are steps to follow in cannabis farming. It all starts with selecting the right seed to grow. As one of the oldest plants ever cultivated by man, cannabis has survived centuries of history. Today, there are over 700 strains of cannabis developed through several years of plant study and in-breeding projects. However, all these strains belong to one of the three different types of cannabis seeds categories –regular, auto-flowering, and feminized. Therefore, your first decision as a new cannabis farmer will be to select the right type of seed for you. Making this decision requires a lot of consideration and comparison.

This review has compiled a guide explaining the different cannabis available today and why you should consider planting them.

1. Regular Cannabis Seeds

Regular cannabis seeds are the standard, non-engineered seeds. These seeds have equal chances if emerging into a female or a male cannabis plant. They are not optimized in any way or modified to influence the yield or character of the plant they develop into. Since they can produce male cannabis plants, regular seeds are popular among cannabis farmers who develop new cannabis strains. Pollen produced from the male seeds fertilizes a predetermined female flower, giving birth to a new generation of seeds.

With regular seeds, anything goes. The plant yield and character may be very different across a similar family. They can also exist as Indica-dominant types, Sativa-dominant types, or in high CBD and high THC variants. The regular cannabis seed has genetics traced back to landrace ancestors first cultivated in the mountains of India to the beaches of Jamaica. Many experienced cannabis farmers have also attempted to get improved regular strains from two other regular strains. When these attempts succeed, the new strain expresses the qualities of the parent strains.


Compatibility Profile

Do you think regular cannabis seeds will be perfect for your planting operation? It all depends on what you want. If you desire to have a farm full of both male and female cannabis seeds, then planting regular cannabis seeds is your best bet. With your garden full of both sexes, you can experiment and create your strains. But, of course, farming cannabis doesn't have to be boring, even as a novice.

Combining these plants can give you customized varieties with unique traits. You can then proceed to develop only the strain with the trait you desire. Many commercial cannabis formers take cuttings from their plant. Suppose your plan to do this; growing out regular cannabis seeds is also your best bet. By cloning your plants, you skip the germination phase to produce fully viable clones of your regular cannabis plant. You might require help with this, though.

Should You Plant Regular Cannabis Seeds?

There exist no definite answers to this single question. It all depends on your target for planting the seeds and their compatibility for your planting operation. One of the biggest advantages of planting regular cannabis seeds is that you can produce many strains without specialized experience in cannabis farming. The processes involved in regular cannabis seeds cultivation are relatively compared with feminized and auto-flowering seeds. Since there is also an equal chance of producing both male and female plants, you can have a large repository of different strains, with both modern and classic genetics on the same piece of land. Ever heard of a pollen bank? You can also create on using your male plant population.

As you might expect, there are also many cons to growing regular seeds. These include misidentifying the sexes. The planting operation can also be very unpredictable as your seeds do not carry any genetic engineering to help through the different growth stages. The yield ratio and plant output rate can also be very unpredictable. You might also have to construct separate grow tents for both sexes. Accidental addition of a male plant in the female grows room might result in fertilization of the female flowers.


2. Feminized Cannabis Seeds

As the name suggests, feminized cannabis seeds were created to increase the chances of growing only females. By planting feminized seeds, you get a female plant 99.9 percent of the time. The possibility of germinating a male plant is almost eliminated. That means no pollen sacs but many flowers. To start with, feminized genetics is made by crossing one female plant with another. The fertilized female produces a generation of feminized seeds. How is that even possible? How can female cannabis plants produce pollen sacs needed to fertilize another female plant? The answer lies in plant genetic engineering.

To force a female plant to produce pollen, breeders use many methods. One involves stopping the production of ethylene in the plant tissues, forcing the female plant to produce pollen sacs. Various chemical agents, including colloidal silver, are used as catalysts for the process. Occasionally, female plants can also flip, relying on nature's undying desire to procreate and produce oddly-shaped pollen sacs.


Compatibility Profile

Although genetically engineered, feminized seeds also require adequate care during the different stages of growth. So, you need to learn a few proven growth strategies to help you through the growing stages. You should know that female cannabis plants prevented from fertilization will also produce flowers without seeds. Many marijuana users prefer a seedless cannabis flower.
If you prefer to see flowers on your cannabis plant and not pollen sacs, then feminized cannabis seeds are for you. Many farmers commercially grow cannabis strains for their flowers too. You will also have to learn how to deal with cannabis odor since you will have a room full of flowers. If you like to grow cannabis as a hobby, feminized seeds will help you save time too. You will save yourself the energy and time needed to sift males out of your growing space.

Why Should You Grow Feminized Cannabis Seeds?

For starters, the equal chance of producing both sexes as with regular seeds is eliminated. You are guaranteed a grow room full of genetically engineered female cannabis plants. In addition to being cost-effective, you will also get big resinous buds and save time on many tendering processes. However, it is not always exactly smooth for farmers to plant only feminized seeds. Although the yield and output can be predictable, the plants can sometimes into hermaphrodites as a result of bad genetics or environmental stress. Feminized plants are also not suitable for breeding purposes. You get less viable clones, so in most cases, you can only start from the seed.

3. Auto-flowering Cannabis Seeds

These types of cannabis seeds can automatically transition into the flowering stage without any changes to their light cycle. Compared to other cannabis seeds, auto-flowering seeds can properly move from germination to harvest with little or no external assistance. They are easy to grow, tend, and do not require the same level of complexity as in regular or feminized seeds. Auto-flowering cannabis seeds are produced by using Cannabis ruderalis genetics.

This subspecies has the auto-flowering trait and adapt perfectly to the shorter growing seasons and extreme weather conditions of Central Asia and Russia. Instead of waiting on a change in light exposure to flowers, plants with the ruderalis genetics simply depend on age and time. Breeders find it exciting to work with auto-flowering strains, combining these genetics with other subspecies to create a new generation with desired qualities.


Compatibility Profile

Auto-flowering seeds grow within a short period, making it possible to harvest a cache of cannabis in a very short time. If you are experimenting with cannabis cultivation and don't mind spending extra cash on getting seeds, then auto-flowering seeds are made for you. You can set a grow room in no time and take down your growing operation within a small window. If you only have a small growing space, auto-flowering seeds produce a short plant that fits right into small enclosures. This explains why discreet cannabis farmers choose to plant auto-flowering seeds. They grow fast into short plants and can be concealed outdoors with other regular plants.

Why Should You Grow Auto-flowering Cannabis Seeds?

There are many reasons you should consider growing auto-flowering seeds. They are compact, require little space, and smoothly transition into the flowering stage. These qualities make auto-flowering seeds suitable for guerilla growing and beginner-friendly. In addition to all these, they are also higher in CBD. If you grow a room full of high CBD plants, you are sure to get more investment returns as they are heavily in demand for medical CBD. However, the auto-flowering plant produces less THC and is not as potent as other seeds. They are difficult to clone and can sometimes give a lower yield.


So, What Do You Think?

There are many pros and cons to growing the three types of cannabis seeds. You have to consider their compatibility profile and check if they fit right into your growing operations. You can get an improved yield on these seeds if you understand how to fertilize cannabis plants and the growth requirements needed. You can also check our seed bank for improved cannabis seeds that are easy to grow and give a high harvest yield.

How to Control Cannabis Odor in Your Grow Room

Cannabis odor is one of the many things you have to deal with if you have a grow room. Since cannabis cultivation became legal in many countries, environmentalists and anti-cannabis campaigners have consistently complained about the effects of cannabis odor on humans and the ecosystem. These complaints have increased significantly over the years. Some stats records an 87 percent increase since cannabis cultivation became mainstream. In Denver, about 30% of odor complaints are reportedly cannabis-related.
Cannabis is a flower. Essentially the odor is expected. It takes special growing skills to manage this odor Many complaints have described this odor as skunky, flowery, fruity, or pungent. Cannabis grows with different features that produce this odor. During the flowering stage, cannabis produces lush, large, and crystal-like resin-covered buds. In the last six weeks of growth, the terpenes concentration of the plant significantly increases as the trichome becomes more active.
Essential oils from the terpenes are released into the air, giving off a distinct cannabis odor. If you had lived around a growth room with no filtration system, you might know how potent and strong the smell of cannabis buds can be.

Factors that Influence How Cannabis Smells

Although marijuana smell increases during the flowering stage, but your plants do not just start smelling the day, it starts budding. During the growth cycle, the level of smell you get from the plants differs. Many factors and growing conditions are directly responsible for the level of odor you get from your grow room. If you can control these factors, you probably might be able to regulate how your plant smells. The factors include:


1. Temperature

Just as with other plants, marijuana grows better under specified conditions. Many marijuana strains grow better at an ideal temperature range of 21 to 27 degrees Celsius. The prevailing atmospheric conditions and your choice of grow light might affect how hot or how cold your grow room becomes. If the temperature is high, the essential oils vaporize quickly from the plant and are distributed around the grow room. You will want to keep the prevailing conditions in the normal range to avoid this. While doing this, you also must make sure they grow room temperature does not fall below 15 degrees Celsius. This low-temperature range may negatively affect your plant yield and harvest quality.


2. Humidity

Regulating the relative humidity in your grow room also affects the smell of marijuana. Therefore, you will want to keep the humidity level at the ideal range at every stage of the plant's life. This is especially important during the flowering stage when the plants give off more essential oil. As a rough guide, the recommended humidity range and the corresponding growth stage are highlighted below:

  • Cloning Phase = 70% to 80% humidity
  • Vegetative Phase = 40% to 60% humidity
  • Flowering Phase = 40% to 50% humidity
  • Final Weeks of Flowering Phase = less than 40% humidity

At high humidity levels, marijuana odor can be retained much longer in the grow room. This is why you will want to keep humidity low during the vegetative and flowering phases.


3. Rate and Direction of Airflow

Air circulation is important for optimum growth rate. In addition to this, the rate and direction of air circulation affect how your grow room smells. Controlling these parameters might help you. If you have more hot and stale air retained in your grow room, the odor of cannabis is reinforced. Your plant might even smell more than you would normally expect. If air direction is poor, such that the entry path of air is the same as the exit path, your marijuana plants will also definitely smell more. Controlling the rate and direction of airflow can also help you with humidity and temperature.

Ways to Control Cannabis Odor in your Grow Room

Controlling cannabis odor is the best way to keep your growing operation secret and not get a complaint from your intrusive neighbors. So, let's face it. How do you better control the odor without compromising your yield?
In this review, we have compiled the best methods that can probably serve you. Then, all you have to do is consider the cost efficiency and select a method that better fits your growing space.

1. Select a Low-odor Strain

How about you simply avoid the odor through the growth cycle of your plant? Selecting the strains is probably one of the first things you would consider before setting up a cannabis grow room. Your choice of cannabis strains might greatly influence the cost of odor control. Depending on their genetics, different cannabis strains give off different odors. By choosing a strain naturally low in odor, you can easily save money on odor control.
Cannabis strains in this category include Durban Poison, Northern Lights, Shark's Breath, Poison Express, and Polar Express. These strains give off little or no smell. Durban Poison is especially popular for its odor-free character. Northern Lights is another low-odor cannabis strain developed specifically for indoor breeding. If you grow one of these varieties, you will get an odor-free environment in your grow space and environment. If you are not limited to a particular cannabis strain, this is the easiest method to solve the odor puzzle.


2. Consider Odor Neutralizers

If the growing operation is small and restricted to only a few cannabis stands, you might consider odor neutralizers. These products are cheap solutions formulated to suppress the aromas given from the cannabis buds. Odor neutralizers are easy to use and are readily available in agrochemical stores. You will want to better understand the components of these solutions before you select one. Odor neutralizers are so effective that long-term use can change the taste and smell of your cannabis harvest. Making inquiries from the store attendants can help you select a product with little or no effect on your plant taste and smell.
Your best selection should contain components that are biodegradable, non-carcinogenic, and skin-friendly. Some odor neutralizers are formulated as gels and presented in wide-mouthed jars. You can simply open these jars and leave them in the grow room for many weeks. However, you will probably be more successful with odor control during the flowering stage. If you are using a very powerful neutralizer, you might have to leave far away from the grow house. You can also consider odor-neutralizer sprays. They are easy to apply with a fast, almost immediate odor-control action.


3. Carbon Filters

Judging from its popular use, carbon filters are considered the most effective method of controlling cannabis odor. If your grow room is bigger or cultivate many stands in the same space, carbon filters are your choice. It is common to find carbon filters installed as part of the ventilation systems of large cannabis greenhouses. Although carbon filters are expensive, many cannabis farmers still prefer to use them. Also called carbon scrubbers, these equipment contain isolated units of activated charcoal. Carbon filters are installed such that the smell of the budding marijuana is forced through it. In addition, a powerful fan can be used to create a unidirectional airflow, removing the airstream from the growing area through the carbon filters.
One of the smartest ways of creating this flow is by installing the carbon filters in the exhaust system of your grow area. Hot air from the area containing diffused essential oils is forced upwards into the exhaust system. As the air enters the filter and interacts with the activated charcoal units, the filter scrubs the air of marijuana odor. The stream of air released into the atmosphere is clean and free from marijuana odor. Carbon filters continuously help clean and are durable –you only get to replace them after about 12 months.


4. Setting Up Negative Air Pressure

This trick works perfectly for greenhouses and small space grows areas. All you have to do is control the input and output rate of air in your growing area. To create negative pressure, you should have more air entering the growth space and less air leaving it. So, you draw out the odor-laden air, replacing it with clean, fresh air. One of the best ways of setting up a negative pressure is by using a powerful outtake fan, forcing the air out through the exhaust. You will combine this with a less powerful intake face. This setup makes more air leave your grow room and less air entering it. This method is only effective if you have a few marijuana plants in the growing area.


What You Should Not Use

To control cannabis smell, you will want to avoid ozone generators. In addition to constituting serious health hazards, there are many problems with using ozone generators for cannabis cultivation. They are not as effective as the methods listed here, and they are notoriously terrible for the environment. Fragrance sprays, plug-ins, and air purifiers are also not recommended. These options might serve domestic purposes, but they are useless in controlling cannabis odor.

Final Thought

Marijuana smells are normal and are part of the plant's biology. However, except in naturally low-odor strains, marijuana gives off more smell during the flowering and vegetative stages; installing a carbon filter is considered the most effective and durable method of controlling marijuana odor. Depending on your grow room size, you can also consider other methods detailed in this review. All you have to do is get the equipment and get them properly.

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