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Tag: ai in transportation and logistics

Benefits of Leasing the Audi A3 for your Business!

Leasing a car for business is becoming quite popular as there are many benefits in doing so. Specifically, financial benefits, which is really what...

EStore Order Fulfillment Acceleration Strategies

With the launch of Amazon’s Prime Membership back in 2005, the rules of the ecommerce order fulfillment game changed. Amazon Prime offered free two-day...

Miners’ Losses Mount as Ports Strike Drags On in South Africa

A strike at South Africa’s port and rail operator Transnet SOC Ltd. that’s cost bulk mineral exporters as much as 9.8 billion rand ($538...

Five Crucial Supply Chain Due Diligence Activities

Trade compliance has always been a dense thicket to navigate. The fact that one global supply chain software provider processed nearly 50 million regulatory trade updates to its trade...

Kroger Bets $25 Billion on Bulking Up to Be More Like Walmart

Kroger Co. Chief Executive Officer Rodney McMullen vows to use Walmart Inc.’s favorite weapon against it: low prices.The grocery giant is pledging to cut...

What Has Your Cargo Insurer Done For You Lately?

Date: Wed, Dec 7, 2022 Time: 1:00 PM ET Live Webinar: 1 hour Webinar Description Supply chain risks are high these days....

Digital Opportunity for 3PL Logistics Operations!

Third-party logistics (or 3PL) providers, are standing on the brink of breakout growth given the digital opportunity. The shipper ecosystem is burgeoning with...

Automating Business Data Within the Metaverse Workplace

An increasing number of companies are looking to adopt the metaverse as a key element of their future business plans.Uncertainty persists, however, about what...

6 Ways Healthcare Professionals Can Prevent Occupational Hazards!

Today, the world is evolving rapidly, and so is the healthcare system. Previously, physicians and other healthcare professionals faced difficulty carrying out routine work...

What is 5G? And What Does it Mean for Supply Chain? (Infographic)

There was a time not that long ago when there were no cell phones or smart phones. Now they are literally billions of...

5 Things Startups Must Know Before Launching a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)!

Let’s be honest – the modern business climate could not be imagined without startups, but how many of them actually succeed? 11 out of 12...

Supply Chain as a Service (SCaaS)!

I began my career working in a manufacturing plant within an international company that was completely vertically integrated. From component manufacturing through to...

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