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Tag: agi

What is SingularityNET? Ultimate AI Network

The rapid development and growing popularity of artificial intelligence applications have led to platforms like SingularityNET, ChatGPT, and Midjourney becoming increasingly mainstream....

Exploring the mind in the machine

Can artificial intelligence have consciousness? It’s a question that has fascinated researchers and science fiction enthusiasts alike for decades.As AI technologies continue to advance,...

AI is not OK; Harrisburg, debt-free; libraries and firewalls

March 21, 2023 AI is not OK; Harrisburg, debt-free; libraries and firewalls Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 12:08...

AI Art: Landmark precedent in the making

‘Artificial Intelligence (AI)’ which once was a myth in the world of computer programming, is now a reality at the hands of the...

Creating an artificial intelligence 101

How to create an artificial intelligence? The creation of artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a dream of scientists, engineers, and innovators. With advances...

ChatGPT and the Underlying Copyright Malady

ChatGPT, a chatbot, and its outputs have been in the limelight for quite some time, with discussions surrounding the chatbot’s overall impact...

The ethics and risks of pursuing artificial intelligence

What is the goal of artificial intelligence? This is a question that has puzzled technologists, futurists, and even ethicists for decades. As AI continues...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through March 4)

Microsoft Unveils AI Model That Understands Image Content, Solves Visual PuzzlesBenj Edwards | Ars Technica“On Monday, researchers from Microsoft introduced Kosmos-1, a multimodal model...

Top Trending Cryptocurrencies of the Week 

The trend of AI-based altcoin SingularityNET (AGIX) is linked to Elon Musk’s AI curiosity. The price of Pawswap (PAW) skyrocketed over 129% in...

Weak AI: Narrow but useful lane of artificial intelligence

What is weak artificial intelligence, and how is it different from other types of artificial intelligence? The answer lies in the nature of its...

AI and Crypto: Examining the Hype and Recent Price Trends

While AI is being touted as the latest hype in Silicon Valley, replacing crypto, it’s worth acknowledging that the hype surrounding crypto has likely...

Hey, AI hucksters. Dial down the hype. Lots of love, the FTC

Analysis The US Federal Trade Commission has re-upped its admonition to businesses that they should not exaggerate the role or capabilities of artificial intelligence...

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