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Tag: aggressive

Top 10 Best Weapons in Dead Cells 2022 | Build the Best Arsenal Possible

Dead Cells has a gigantic collection of weapons and gear for players to choose from. The placement of each one is changed with every...

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//WAVE// EliGE & Bjergsen: NA’s Greatests

In that heavy hype style native to Riot’s promotions, Jatt announces that Bjergsen is the greatest LCS player of all time. “He defined how...

Is the Dire side more advantageous in the Current Dota 2 Meta

Over the years, the Radiant side of the map is said to have more territorial advantage compared to the Dire side. It is well...

What makes a platform fighter good?

Less than a month after its open beta became available to the general public, MultiVersus surpassed 20 million players. While it’s still a ways...

Top Cardano Projects in 2023: Best Cardano DApps Worth Knowing!

<!-- --> Cardano is one of the most innovative and exciting blockchain projects in the space, being referred to by many...

Where Is The Blacksmith in Stardew Valley?

World Builders tend to provide multiple ways of in-game progression. While some of these methods are more aggressive than others, they still provide the...

Good News for Israel? Russia Downgrades Syria Air Defenses

Israel may have greater freedom to bomb targets in Syria after Russia removed an advanced air defense system. The S-300 battery was transferred...

Status Update: High Risk of Israel-Hezbollah Fight

Defense Minister Benny Gantz is warning that a Hezbollah attack on an Israeli gas rig could lead to an all-out war. A belligerent...

6 Critical Trends in Distribution and How to Optimize Your Network’s Response

From digitalization and changing workforces to trend reversals and inventory overloads, distributors have their hands full when it comes to tackling the latest supply...

South Korea, US to Begin Expanded Military Drills Next Week

AdvertisementThe United States and South Korea will begin their biggest combined military training in years next week in the face of an increasingly aggressive...


CBD vs THC: What does it matter? When it comes to misunderstood plants, cannabis tops the list. The simple green plant has been stigmatized for...

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