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Tag: aes

Zoom to offer end-to-end encryption only to paying customers

As Zoom continues on its path to bring end-to-end encryption (E2EE) to users, the big news is that only paid users will have...

Chasing RobbinHood: Up Close with an Evolving Threat

A security researcher details how RobbinHood has changed and why it remains a threat for businesses to watch. It has been over a...

Quantum Computers Could “Completely Shatter” the Current Internet Security Systems Protecting Bitcoin (BTC) Network, Digital Payments, IoT Devices: Report

Nobody really knows when Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies will be “vulnerable” to the threat from quantum computers, according to most experts...

North Korea-linked Lazarus APT uses a Mac variant of the Dacls RAT

North Korea-linked Lazarus APT group employed a Mac variant of the Dacls Remote Access Trojan (RAT) in recent attacks. North Korea-linked Lazarus APT...

Poulight Stealer, a new Comprehensive Stealer from Russia

Researchers from Cybaze-Yoroi ZLab monitored the evolution and the diffusion of an infostealer dubbed Poulight that most likely has a Russian origin. Introduction...

Vcrypt ransomware holds your files hostage without encrypting them

by Paul Ducklin Here’s a ransomware story with a bit of a difference. The sample we studied in this article...

Is Europe’s Experience in E-Signatures and Digital IDs Valuable for Australia?

Europe has been running a legislative framework for electronic signatures and digital identities since 1999. In 2014, the European Parliament introduced a significant...

eFUSE AES key verification steps

eFUSE is one-time programmable which means that once the FUSE is blown with a particular key it can never be programmed with other...

Comodo Threat Research Labs Warns Android Users of “Tordow v2.0” outbreak

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn late November 2016, Comodo Threat Research Labs discovered samples of the Android malware “Tordow v2.0” affecting clients in Russia....

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