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Tag: adversaries

How achievable is the continuous Authority to Operate model?

Software is a critical component of military missions, but for too long, the Defense Department’s security compliance procedures have blocked organizations from delivering relevant...

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Key Takeaways From the British Library Cyberattack

COMMENTARYn October 2023, the British Library underwent a crippling cyberattack that took down its website, a majority of its online services, including card transitions, reader registrations,...

NeuroHammer Attacks on ReRAM-Based Memories

A new technical paper titled “NVM-Flip: Non-Volatile-Memory BitFlips on the System Level” was published by researchers at Ruhr-University Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen, and Robert...

The  J-20 Challenge: Can India Bridge the Fighter Jet Gap With China?

Recent developments have highlighted a growing strategic concern for India as China has deployed its Chengdu J-20, a fifth-generation twin-engine stealth fighter, in Shigatse,...

The J-20 Challenge: Can India Bridge the Fighter Jet Gap With China?

Recent developments have highlighted a growing strategic concern for India as China has deployed its Chengdu J-20, a fifth-generation twin-engine stealth fighter, in Shigatse,...

Preventative defense tactics in the real world

Business Security Don’t get hacked in the first place – it costs far...

French Army head Schill talks force modernization, Ukraine war lessons

French Army Chief of Staff Gen. Pierre Schill has led the land force since July 2021, implementing a large-scale modernization effort called Scorpion that...

On His 78th Birthday, Donald Trump Trump Pledges To End Joe Biden’s ‘War on Crypto’

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to put an end to what he describes as President Joe Biden’s “war on crypto” should he...

5 Cybersecurity Tips For Schools From CISA’s Deputy Assistant Director

Cybersecurity attacks on schools across the U.S. are increasing in frequency. “They are a target-rich but resource-poor environment that really houses incredibly sensitive information about...

Indonesia Should Embrace a New ‘Revolution’ in Military Affairs

After the end of the Cold War, and particularly following the victory of the United States-led coalition in the Gulf War, American defense experts...

Biden administration in talks to accept crypto donations as it becomes increasingly important voter issue

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is exploring the option of accepting cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce, The Block reported on June 12, citing sources...

Space Force’s Resilient GPS program draws skepticism from lawmakers

A congressional appropriations panel cast some doubt on whether a U.S. Space Force effort to protect its GPS system from signal jamming will be...

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