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Tag: ADvantage

The Cost of “Free” Public Wifi

No, we don’t mean to say that free public wifi(s) are no longer free. They will be as long as you have hotels,...

Tom Eyre, CEO of nooli

In support of the upcoming FinTech Growth Forum on September 19th, we are delighted to feature a series of profiles with some of the...

What Does it Take to Become an Angel Investor?

The term “angel investor” has grown in popularity in recent years, even to the point of becoming trendy. But what does it mean...

How Artificial Intelligence is changing the SaaS Landscape

There is no one moment when SaaS – Software as a Service – was conceived, because SaaS as a concept has a host...

Dare Okoudjou of MFS Africa

This week on FinTech Profile, we talk to Dare Okoudjou, founder and CEO of leading Pan-African fintech company MFS Africa. Operating the largest...

Comodo publishes strategic analysis of 97M malware incidents in Q2

Reading Time: 4 minutesComodo publishes strategic analysis of 97 million malware incidents in Q2 Comodo detected and analyzed nearly 100 million incidents in Q2...

Meet with Comodo Experts Face-to-Face at the Black Hat Lobby Lounge, July 24-27

Reading Time: 1 minute Got questions on cyber security, digital certificates, or Comodo solutions? Ask our experts face-to-face in the Comodo Lobby Lounge...

SSL Precertificates and How They Work

Reading Time: 3 minutesSSL certificates – yes, we have heard much about SSL certificates, but how about SSL Precertificates? – it doesn’t seem...

Comodo Q1 2017 Threat Report: Russia is World’s No. 1 Malware Target

Reading Time: 2 minutes Comodo Threat Research Labs (CTRL) detected more than 25 million malware incidents in 223 top-level country code domains (ccTLD), in...

How AI is helping modern business become fitter, happier and more productive

The robots are coming. And they’re scary. That’s one of the conclusions of a survey commissioned by the UK’s Royal Society, which assessed...

Consulting – Systems Integration – Technology Advisory Consultant

Here at BitcoinsInIreland.com, we regularly post information which have come in via our alerts relating to bitcoin and blockchain employment in Ireland. You...

Agriculture Crowdfunding- Empowering the Agriculture

Agriculture crowdfunding is the practice or the process of funding any agricultural project by raising monetary contributions from a number of individuals. It is...

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