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Tag: Abuse

Can You Use Cannabis as a Study Aid?

A new study, which was released in September 2021, revealed that almost half of the college-age students around the United States admitted to consuming cannabis within the last year. Though it isn’t sure if the rise in cannabis consumption was driven by the pandemic, the highlight of this is that it has helped to curb booze consumption.

New Attack Campaign Exploits Microsoft Signature Verification

The Malsmoke attack group is behind a campaign that has exploited the Microsoft e-signature verification tool to target 2,100 victims.

Dead by Daylight is removing Leatherface masks to prevent abuse

Leatherface masks are an iconic part of the character. The cannibal Sawyer family has a long and complicated history in film, and games have often...

The post Dead by Daylight is removing Leatherface masks to prevent abuse appeared first on ISK Mogul Adventures. Written by .

What 2021 Taught Us About Young People And Cannabis Use

What 2021 Taught Us About Young People And Cannabis Use

Cannabis often has education gaps, and youth consumption may be the most concerning at this time.

The post What 2021 Taught Us About Young People And Cannabis Use appeared first on The Fresh Toast.

Want to Quit Booze, Try Shrooms! – Psilocybin Cuts Alcohol Cravings According to New Medical Studies

Psilocybin has been used for centuries by native tribes as well as in religious ceremonies. In recent decades, its therapeutic use and benefits in the medical setting have been discovered. One new study examines its benefits for treating alcohol use disorder. The researchers analyzed the impact of alcohol addiction on the frontal cortex of rat models with alcoholism, after which they examined how psilocybin worked on a molecular level. Psilocybin is one of several psychedelic drugs that are currently being studied today for their promising benefits on behavioral disorders, one of which is addiction.

50 Years of Legal Pot – How Alaska Legalized, Recriminalized, then Legalized Again

When we think of states that are at the forefront of pro-cannabis legislation, we tend to focus on states like California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Alaska often remains overlooked – despite almost 50 years of legalization (albeit complicated and not entirely consistent) granted by a state constitution that puts our federal government’s to shame. Given the history, […]

The post 50 Years of Legal Pot – How Alaska Legalized, Recriminalized, then Legalized Again appeared first on CBD Testers.

Programmatically Navigate Using React Router

In this guide, learn how to create routes, programmatically navigate, send and receive data using React Router in JavaScript, with practical examples.

Teen Marijuana Use Has Fallen Off a Cliff and the Government Wants to Know Why?

Last month, the University of Michigan released their annual Monitoring the Future survey which shows a dramatic year-on-year decrease among teen’s use of cannabis – as well as other controlled substances. They found a 33% reduction among 8th graders’ reported cannabis use, 38% drop among 10th graders, and  13% drop among 12th graders. “The percentage of students who reported using marijuana (in all forms, including smoking and vaping) within the past year decreased significantly for eighth, 10th, and 12th grade students,” write the authors.

Significant Developments with regard to Well-Known marks under the Trademarks Rules 2017: A Critical Analysis

Introduction: The Introduction of the Trademarks act brought in the concept of ‘well-known marks’[i] in India and defined protection criteria for the same. Later after [...]

Kazakhstan Stock Exchange Turns to Scila AB for Surveillance Tool

On December 28, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) entered an agreement deal with the Swedish software developing company, Scila AB to use the Scila surveillance technology solution to combat unfair ...

2021: A Year in the Nexus

Events and Features2021 has been a year of ups and downs for Heroes of the Storm. The lack of new characters and the...

Latest Updates on Antitrust – December, 2021 – Part I

This is a rundown of last week’s news updates on Antitrust: Apple denies abuse of dominance in Indian app market Tech giant Apple has sought...

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