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Tag: 9

TomoChain, DeFi, and Bitcoin: An Exclusive Interview with Long Vuong, Founder and CEO at TomoChain

In our latest interview, Coinfomania gathered the thoughts of Long Vuong, Founder, and CEO at TomoChain, a scalable blockchain-powered via Proof-of-Stake (PoS)...

Seedrs Alumni Club in the press | April 2020

April was another challenging month for businesses around the world. In times of difficulty and uncertainty, we feel it’s important to recognise the...

Hub Group Posts Dips in Revenue, Net Income in First Quarter

Hub Group reported double-digit declines in profits and revenue during the first quarter as it saw a drop in intermodal revenue and a...

Special Report: How Turkey’s courts turned on Erdogan’s foes

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - It took 16 judges to convict Kurdish politicians Gultan Kisanak and Sebahat Tuncel of belonging to a terrorist organization last...

ATMOBLUE Wearable Smart Purifier cleans the air you breathe by 99.97%

.gfl-search-dropdown-ph { position: absolute; background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; left: 0; right: 0; border-radius: 11px; color:...

End-to-end Recurrent Multi-Object Tracking and Trajectory Prediction with Relational Reasoning. (arXiv:1907.12887v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Submission history From: Fabian B. Fuchs Mr Fri, 12 Jul 2019 22:40:13 UTC (9,110 KB) Fri, 9 Aug 2019 17:17:49 UTC...

Facebook’s mega-chatbot has ‘a persona, discusses nearly any topic, shows empathy.’ Perfect for CEO version 2

Plus: OpenAI's music-making software isn't half bad ... and Banjo boss's KKK shame

Roundup  Welcome to another summary of AI-related news beyond what we've already covered.…

Dollar up, Asian stocks slip as U.S. pins blame for virus on China

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The dollar inched higher, stock markets struggled for traction and oil dropped on Monday as a U.S.-China spat over the...

Ripple Co-founder Jed McCaleb Sold 54 Million XRP in April

Analyzing known wallets for Ripple co-founder Jed McCaleb shows he sold off at least 54 million XRP between April 1-30. According to a May...

Dollar edges up, Asian stocks slip as U.S.-China tensions flare

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The dollar inched higher, stock markets struggled for traction and oil fell on Monday as a U.S.-China spat over the...

Global coronavirus cases surpass 3.5 million, although rate slowing

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Global coronavirus cases surpassed 3.5 million on Monday, with deaths nearing a quarter of a million, although the rate of...

Trump says US intel didn’t brief him until late January on Covid-19

CNN and other news outlets have reported that the President's daily intelligence briefing included information about the coronavirus outbreak in China and its...

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