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Tag: 200 billion

How Will the Universe End?

IntroductionOur universe has a beginning. And someday, it will have an end too — but which one? As the cosmos expands and the stars...

People’s Bank of China Ramps up Liquidity Injection

SNEAK PEEK: PBOC makes a net cash injection of 199 billion yuan via MLF. The central bank of China has recently ramped up medium-term...

First launch of Japan’s H3 rocket aborted moments before liftoff

Japan’s first H3 rocket, nearly a decade in development, was moments from...

AI Advances Drive New Generation of Browser-Based Solutions

We have talked extensively about some of the biggest changes brought on by artificial intelligence technology over the last few years. Two of the...

Breaking Down What Cryptocurrency’s Total Market Cap Means

Feb 12, 2023 Image: Pexels/AlphaTradeZone When you look at crypto, you might see dollar signs. You may feel you can buy some and hold it, and...

Why Do Black Holes Twinkle? Scientists Studied 5,000 Star-Eating Behemoths to Find Out

Black holes are bizarre things, even by the standards of astronomers. Their mass is so great, it bends space around them so tightly that...

What Arthur Hayes Got Wrong About His Latest Market Forecast

BitMEX co-founder and macro-market analyst Arthur Hayes is deploying his dry powder into Bitcoin sooner than previously planned, according to his latest blog...

🔴Russia Mobilizes DeFi | This Week in Crypto – Feb 6, 2023

Twitter proceeds with payment platform initiatives, MetaMask unveils new privacy features and Cathie Wood stands by her ten-year bitcoin price target even in the...

China’s Suzhou city joins other regions in the country seeking to be metaverse hub

Suzhou, a city of 12 million people in China’s Jiangsu Province, released a plan on Wednesday to become a hub for metaverse development and...

Exxon 2022 Profit Hits Historic High for Western Oil Industry

Exxon Mobil posted a $56 billion profit for 2022, the company said on January 31, meaning it made about $6.3m an hour last year,...

The Ethics Of Mixing

The ethics of mixing – a comprehensive essay on financial regulation and a defense of personal privacy “Civilization is the progress toward a society...

Publisher slashes Callisto Protocol sales hopes by over half after it fails to meet absurd expectations

Audio player loading… The Callisto Protocol's publisher, Krafton, is pretty unhappy with how much the game is selling, but it might only have itself...

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