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Tag: 10 years

Bitcoin Traders Patiently Wait for ‘Uptober’ — Historical Prices Show BTC Gained 10 out of 13 Octobers

In recent times bitcoin’s volatility has been the lowest it’s been since 2020 and after last month’s market downturn, crypto enthusiasts expected a reversal...

Penske Truck Leasing Dedicates Collision Repair Classroom

Penske Truck Leasing recently held a dedication ceremony at the Lincoln Tech (LTI) campus in Grand Prairie, Texas, as the company branded its first-ever...

Interview with Rovena Gjoni, DGB’s Manager of Institutional Investments

 ''It becomes an investment case once you treat it as an investment. Nature gives the returns of carbon credits, and biodiversity credits. It delivers...

Cost of Energy Explained

Why has the cost of energy for our homes gone up so much?  Why has an increase in the price of natural gas affected the cost of electricity?  Welcome to the wonderful world of energy economics, explained as simply as I can!

Everyone can tackle water scarcity with Hydraloop

September 2022 By Catherine Jewell, Information and Digital Outreach Division, WIPO Hydraloop, a decentralized greywater recycling system, allows households to cut water consumption and wastewater emissions...

Transitioning to Net-Zero

What will it bring and what will it cost? Around the world, companies and governments are pledging to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases –...

Do Carbon Offsets Work? We Explain How and Why They Do

It’s not news that most climate scientists believe the Earth is headed toward a point of no return when it comes to human-created global...

What Does the Post Crash VC Market Look Like?

Mark SusterFollowSep 15·8 min readAt our mid-year offsite our partnership at Upfront Ventures was discussing what the future of venture capital and the startup...

List of the world’s top female futurists (Update #5)

I find I am frequently asked where all the female futurists are. The discussion on why the profession of futurist appears to be so...

Going the distance: Maximum, RWF and ultra running

“I don’t know if there’s anything like it in gaming or many things like that in life.” Liquid Guild’s Raid Leader and Guild Master,...

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