
Varför dina bokningar avvisas


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Datum: Torsdag, augusti 18, 2022

Tid: 2: 00 PM ET

Live-webinar: 1 timme


Shippers may not always know why carriers reject their bookings. Dealing with vessel changes and delays is certainly part of the equation. But other factors such as the size of the booking impacts carrier acceptance.

One of the first lessons anyone learns in business school is about supply and demand. Those principles are so ingrained in business and commerce as to be nigh inseparable from them and recently prevalent in the shipping industry where the demand for carriers has increased so much in recent years, carriers are now selective in who they work with.

The question in the context of allocation management then becomes: when supply is low and demand is high for carriers, how do you improve contract performance and reduce booking downfall?

Vad du tar med dig:

  • Create a single source of truth for your contract performance
  • Ensure contracts perform as they should, monitored and empowered by technology
  • Benchmark and measure the KPIs most important to carriersdeadlines without driving up costs or hiring temporary labor.
  • Forecast and predict performance autonomously and accurately


Jenny Bartloff, Director of Logistics, BARK (BarkBox)
Matt Marshall, SVP Commercial, NYSHEX


Robert Bowman, ChefredaktörSupplyChainBrain


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