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7 Signs an Angel Investor … May Really Be a “Devil” Investor

Some top signs trouble may come later from an “angel” investor:The terms are way, way, way too complicated. To me, this is flag...

You Need To Zoom With At Least 6 Customers a Week

One long-term theme at SaaStr is Getting on Jets.  Something I never really enjoyed, the travel part of visiting customers. But over time...

Can an Entrepreneur Back Out of a Signed Term Sheet Without Damaging Their Reputation?

I’m going to say Yes, probably.There is a lot of drama around broken term sheets. Mostly around VCs backing out, not founders.But here’s the...

Berkeley Blockchain Incubator Welcomes Startup Fighting COVID-19

The Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator, an incubator program for distributed ledger technology, or DLT, startups run out of UC Berkeley, has welcomed Snark Health...

VCs or Founders: Who Makes More?

VCs have a much higher chance of making good money. There own investors (“LPs” or Limited Partners) pay them for a decade more than...

New, Free Course on SaaStr University: Ideas for Tougher Times

Our theme for the coming few months in Bridging the Gap.  We’ve done 2 incredible webinars so far on this theme, and on...

61+ Companies That Are Hiring in SaaS

Things are rough out there, brutal in many cases.But there are pockets of SaaS that are growing, and in some cases, significantly faster...

Join Stewart Butterfield, Michelle Zatyln, Mark Suster + More at SaaStr Bridging-the-Gap Summit on April 22

Inspired by the thousands that turned out to our Bridging the Gap webinar series this week and last with Nick Mehta and Byron...

SaaStr Podcasts for the Week with Qordoba and Gainsight — March 27, 2020

Ep. 319: May Habib is the Founder & CEO @ Qordoba, the platform that helps everyone at your company write with the same...

What is a Good Sales Growth Rate?

Q: What is a Good Sales Growth Rate?Of course we’d all love to be growing as fast as Zoom or Slack … but...

Top Cloud Stories of The Week

What have the 320,000+ readers of Cloud Daily on Quora been reading this week?A lot about Zoom 🙂Here are the top stories of...

After 14 Years in Investment Banking, I Joined the Crypto Industry

“How could I possibly do this?” — That is what I asked myself when the opportunity presented itself to leave my 14-year career...

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