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Sony Pulling the Plug on PS3 After-Sales Support in Japan


PS3 PlayStation 3 1

It’s hardly earth-shattering news, but the PlayStation 3 is old – like, really old. The console launched all the way back in 2006, so it’s perhaps no surprise Sony is pulling the plug on support for the system and its peripherals – in Japan, at least. Writing on its official Twitter account, the organisation “sincerely apologised” to gamers still using the device, but explained that it simply doesn’t have the required inventory of parts to provide a comprehensive after-sales service anymore.

“After-sales service will be discontinued on Saturday, 30th April, 2022 for the PS3 and all PS3 peripherals due to the exhaustion of parts inventory,” a statement explained. “Customers who wish to have after-sales service for the relevant model should apply for after-sales service through the online repair reception service or PlayStation Customer Support by Saturday, April 30, 2022.”

Of course, Sony no longer sells the PS3, so none of this should come as a surprise. We reckon over 15 years of support is pretty decent for the platform overall, and it has committed to keeping the console’s PS Store online for the foreseeable future. All in all, if you’re still playing on the last-last-gen system, you can’t complain – especially if you played all the titles on our Best PS3 Games list.


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