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Filtrele de față vin pe WebAR cu noul instrument de perete 8

Face filters are one of the most exciting tools when it comes to mobile AR and WebAR. Face filters are used for entertainment...

Blade & Sorcery’s big June Update Will be Magical

WarpFrog’s Blade & Sorcery has been in Early Access for 18 months now, garnering a strong player base thanks to its physics-driven combat...

MicroProse revine cu Mighty Eighth, un simulator B-10 al celui de-al doilea război mondial pentru 17 jucători

Recent virtual reality (VR) experience War Remains took viewers to the front line of WWI, in among all the mud and carnage. This...

Varjo and MeetinVR’s new Partnership Aims to Create Photorealistic Enterprise Collaboration

At the moment each week seems to offer new ways for businesses to collaborate through virtual reality (VR) technology. The latest comes from...

„The Mighty Eighth” este un joc de bombardier cooperativ pentru 10 jucători din Al Doilea Război Mondial de la un dezvoltator de sim clasic

MicroProse was a game developer and publisher behind dozens of classic strategy and simulator titles from the ’80s and ’90s. After...

Unity’s Dedicated AR Creation Studio MARS is Available Next Week

A couple of years ago when augmented reality (AR) was becoming a hot topic thanks to the likes of Google’s ARCore and Apple’s...

Cum poate sprijini realitatea mixtă industria în timpul epidemiei de Covid-19

The current pandemic situation has forced the subjects of the entire economic system to rethink work in many new ways and in no...

Stay home and make cool shit with tech

It is the burden of creative people that they are interested in too many things.I’ve experienced this personally, perhaps you have too.A way...

„Blade & Sorcery” va primi actualizarea „U8” majoră pe 4 iunie, Trailer aici

Blade and Sorcery, the physics-based combat sandbox, isn’t out of Early Access on PC VR just yet, however developers WarpFrog announced...

Hand Tracking on Oculus Quest: Grasping the Basics

Last week was Oculus Quest’s first birthday and as part of the celebrations, Facebook officially brought hand tracking out of the ‘Experimental Features’...

Pico Neo 2 & Neo 2 Eye Standalone Headsets go on Sale

With a lot of people working from home and companies looking for new ways of connecting employees remotely, virtual reality (VR) has become...

Pico Neo 2 autonom și versiunea de urmărire vizuală axată pe întreprinderi sunt acum disponibile

Pico Interactive today announced the price and availability of both Pico Neo 2 and its eye-tracking variant, Neo 2 Eye. Both...

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