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Regen Network: this may just be the best use of blockchain technology and token incentives that I have seen so far.



At Regen Network they believe agriculture is the most important intervention node in addressing our planet’s most challenging problems.

So what they are trying to do is realigning the economics of agriculture.

A peer-to-peer infrastructure and contracting platform

The Regen Network will have two core capabilities. First, they are building the infrastructure needed for trust and transparency using the Cosmos SDK, to which they are contributing a whole suite of modules for ecological data and contracts, and this ledger will be governed by stakeholders concerned with sustainability and regeneration. So the network will actively track and analyze data about earth’s ecology.

So by creating a peer-to-peer infrastructure, they allow anyone to make proposals for accurately measuring specific environmental outcomes. These proposals can be further commented and improved by inviting existing academic and scientific communities, until there is finally a consensus. Over time, there will be hundreds of different, well accepted, scientifically robust protocols for understanding, with a high degree of accuracy, the ecological impact on any specific piece of land.

Second, Regen Network is building a contracting platform utilizing this ledger to make ecological contracts between institutions and land managers easy and effective. At the center of these agreements are scientifically-robust ecological protocols that verify a change in practice or outcomes on the ground.

To me, this sounds amazing and it is one of the best use cases of blockchain technology that I have seen so far. It can be used by various actors:

  • farmers: they can get an extra reward for their ecological efforts.
  • researchers and Academics: access to a global ecological data market
  • companies: to prove corporate social responsibility
  • government agencies: to verify and support their land management programs and achieve their climate accord commitments.
  • NGOs

Information into action

To give you an example, they already have a pilot project running, together with the Rainforest Foundation US.

1. The problem

Protecting the world’s forests would get us 1/3 of the way to solving the climate crisis. In South America, hundreds of millions of dollars have been allocated to governments to stop deforestation. But hardly any of these funds ever reach the forest. As the global need to protect forests intensifies, there is an increasing demand for verified projects that protect forests and provide other environmental services. Since indigenous communities protect 25% of the Amazon basin and have territories with deforestation rates 2-3 times lower than other lands they are key to keeping our forests in tact and stabilizing our climate.

However, these communities usually lack the resources to pay consultants to develop sophisticated and expensive verification systems that often take several years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop and get certified.

2. Our solution

To dramatically increase the scale of investment to front line forest protectors and produce results that will have a global impact on our climate.

We aim to get funding directly to a front line rainforest community based on verified monitoring evidence that they are protecting their forests.

Donors will be able to see community results and make payments to communities through smart contracts, that will link payments directly to each community for taking action to protect their forests.

3. How it works

4. Where we’re starting

We are partnering with the indigenous community of Buen Jardin de Callaru in the Peruvian Amazon, with the intention of scaling to other communities next.

We are leveraging publicly available and emerging satellite deforestation information and converting off the shelf technology, such as drones and adapted smartphone applications, into tools that they can use to identify, analyze and document threats to their collective forests.

The community members are using this information to monitor deforestation, register environmental crimes and trigger community and government actions to quickly and efficiently reduce deforestation.

Regen Ledger is not yet live, so XRN is not yet available on exchanges. But if you would be interested to invest: don’t forget to visit their website.

Note: all info, photos and videos come directly from the Regen Network website.

Source: https://steemit.com/blockchain/@keysa/regen-network-this-may-just-be-the-best-use-of-blockchain-technology-and-token-incentives-that-i-have-seen-so-far


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