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Explorando estradas de elétrons quânticos com luz laser: a espiral de luz laser revela como os isoladores topológicos perdem sua capacidade de conduzir corrente elétrica em suas superfícies.

Home > Press > Exploring quantum electron highways with laser light: Spiraling laser light reveals how topological insulators lose their ability to conduct...

Um mundo extrassolar coberto de água?

Aug 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) An international team of researchers led by Charles Cadieux, a Ph.D. student at the Université de Montréal and member of...

Nanofibrilas biológicas podem extrair eficientemente elementos metálicos valiosos da água

Aug 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Many valuable metals like Au, Ag, Li and U are vital to high technology and modern industry. The terrestrial mineral...

O novo material inteligente permite um controle de luz confiável e de alto desempenho de gotículas

Aug 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Manipulating droplet plays vital roles in fundamental research and practical applications from chemical reactions to bio-analysis. Light control of droplets...

Revestimentos poliméricos semelhantes à pele, que relatam danos e são autocurativos

Aug 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Skin-like polymeric coatings are applied to the surfaces of automobiles, ships, and buildings to protect them from the external environment....

Nova plataforma acelera o design de nanopartículas lipídicas para entrega de medicamentos gênicos

Aug 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The success of COVID-19 vaccines is a great example of gene medicine's tremendous potential to prevent viral infections. One reason...

Cientistas desvendam mistério do 'efeito Hall' em busca de dispositivos de armazenamento de memória de próxima geração

Home > Press > Scientists unravel ‘Hall effect’ mystery in search for next generation memory storage devices Abstract:An advance in...

Tecnologia de detecção de proteína SPEAR orientada por nanotecnologia de DNA do Wyss Institute licenciada para Spear Bio

Today, the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Spear Bio, Inc.announced that the Institute's DNA nanotechnology-driven ultrasensitive SPEAR protein-detection technology...

Nova plataforma pode tornar a entrega de medicamentos genéticos mais fácil e acessível

Comunicações da Natureza (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31993-y"> ...

Immune system: First image of antigen-bound T-cell receptor at atomic resolution: Antigen binding does not trigger any structural changes in T-cell receptors – Signal...

Home > Press > Immune system: First image of antigen-bound T-cell receptor at atomic resolution: Antigen binding does not trigger any structural changes...

MOFs de engenharia de defeitos para propriedades e desempenho

Aug 23, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Metal-organic framework (MOF) nanocrystals are hybrid materials, built from metal clusters and organic linkers with an almost unlimited number of...

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