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Warner Music Group and Jesus and Mary Chain Resolve Dispute Over Music Rights


In a recent development, Warner Music Group and Jesus and Mary Chain have resolved a dispute over music rights. The dispute had been ongoing for several months, with both sides claiming ownership of the rights to certain songs.

The dispute began when Warner Music Group claimed that they owned the rights to certain songs by the Jesus and Mary Chain. The band denied this, claiming that they had the rights to the songs. This led to a lengthy legal battle between the two sides.

After months of negotiations, the two sides have finally come to an agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Warner Music Group will retain the rights to certain songs by Jesus and Mary Chain, while the band will receive a portion of the royalties from those songs. Additionally, Warner Music Group will be allowed to use the songs in various media, such as television and film.

The resolution of this dispute is a positive development for both sides. For Warner Music Group, it means that they can continue to use the songs in their media projects, while also receiving a portion of the royalties from them. For Jesus and Mary Chain, it means that they will receive a portion of the royalties from their songs, which will help them financially.

This resolution is also a positive development for the music industry as a whole. It shows that disputes between artists and record labels can be resolved without resorting to lengthy legal battles. It also shows that both sides are willing to negotiate in order to reach an agreement that is beneficial for all parties involved.

Overall, the resolution of this dispute is a positive development for both sides and for the music industry as a whole. It shows that disputes can be resolved without resorting to lengthy legal battles, and that both sides are willing to negotiate in order to reach an agreement that is beneficial for all parties involved.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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