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US Senators Call for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Take Action to Protect Teens from Metaverse



In recent weeks, US Senators have called on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to take action to protect teens from exploitation in the metaverse. The metaverse, a virtual world created by the convergence of virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, is becoming increasingly popular among teens. However, it can also be a dangerous place, with potential for exploitation and abuse.

In a letter to Zuckerberg, Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) expressed their concern about the potential for teens to be exploited in the metaverse. They noted that the metaverse is a “new and largely unregulated space” and that “it is essential that we ensure that our children are not exposed to exploitation, abuse, or other harm.” The senators urged Zuckerberg to take steps to protect teens from exploitation in the metaverse, including developing age-appropriate safety measures and providing clear guidance on how to report abuse.

The senators’ call for action comes as the metaverse is becoming increasingly popular among teens. According to a recent survey, more than half of teens have used the metaverse in some form. This is particularly concerning given that the metaverse can be a dangerous place. Teens can be exposed to cyberbullying, sexual exploitation, and other forms of abuse.

In response to the senators’ letter, Zuckerberg has promised to take action to protect teens from exploitation in the metaverse. He has committed to developing age-appropriate safety measures and providing clear guidance on how to report abuse. He has also promised to work with experts and other stakeholders to ensure that teens are safe in the metaverse.

It is clear that US Senators are taking the issue of teen exploitation in the metaverse seriously. By calling on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to take action, they are sending a strong message that this issue must be addressed. It is now up to Zuckerberg to follow through on his promises and ensure that teens are safe in the metaverse.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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