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Ukraine Government Expresses Displeasure with Vega C Probe


The Ukrainian government has recently expressed its displeasure with the Vega C probe, a joint venture between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The Vega C probe is a rocket designed to launch satellites into orbit, and it is set to launch in 2021.

The Ukrainian government has raised concerns about the Vega C probe due to its close ties with Russia. Ukraine has been in a state of conflict with Russia since 2014, and the government is wary of any Russian-led projects. The Ukrainian government believes that the Vega C probe could be used to launch military satellites, which could be used to spy on Ukraine.

The Ukrainian government has also expressed concern about the safety of the Vega C probe. The rocket is powered by a Russian-made engine, and there have been reports of malfunctions in other Russian-made rockets in the past. The Ukrainian government is worried that the Vega C probe could malfunction and cause damage to Ukraine or other countries.

The Ukrainian government has urged the ESA to reconsider its partnership with Roscosmos on the Vega C probe. The government has suggested that the ESA should look for alternative partners for the project, such as Ukraine’s own space agency. The Ukrainian government believes that this would ensure that the project is safe and secure, and that it will not be used for military purposes.

The ESA has yet to respond to the Ukrainian government’s concerns, but it is clear that the Vega C probe has become a point of contention between Ukraine and Russia. It remains to be seen how this issue will be resolved, but it is clear that the Ukrainian government is taking a strong stance against any Russian involvement in the project.


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