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TikTok Facing $116M Lawsuit for Alleged Trademark Infringement of ‘Stitch’


TikTok, the popular social media platform, is facing a $116 million lawsuit for alleged trademark infringement of the name “Stitch”. The lawsuit was filed by Stitch Technologies, LLC, a company that owns the trademark for “Stitch” and has been using the name since 2018.

Stitch Technologies claims that TikTok has been using the name “Stitch” in its app since 2019. The company alleges that TikTok has been using the name to promote its own services, which is a violation of Stitch Technologies’ trademark rights. Stitch Technologies also claims that TikTok has been using the name to market its own products and services, which has caused confusion among consumers.

The lawsuit seeks $116 million in damages for the alleged trademark infringement. Stitch Technologies is also seeking an injunction to prevent TikTok from using the name “Stitch” in any of its products or services.

This is not the first time that TikTok has been accused of trademark infringement. In 2020, the company was sued by another company for allegedly infringing on its trademark for “Lip Sync Battle”. TikTok settled the lawsuit out of court and agreed to pay an undisclosed amount of money.

TikTok has yet to comment on the current lawsuit, but it is likely that the company will vigorously defend itself against the allegations. Trademark infringement is a serious issue and companies must be careful to ensure that they do not infringe on another company’s trademark rights.

This case serves as a reminder to companies to be aware of their own trademarks and to be aware of other companies’ trademarks when creating and marketing their own products and services. Companies should also take steps to protect their trademarks from being infringed upon by other companies. If a company believes that its trademark has been infringed upon, it should take legal action to protect its rights.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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