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The Record-Breaking Duration of the Longest-Lasting Tropical Cyclone


Tropical cyclones are some of the most destructive forces of nature. They can cause immense damage to coastal areas, and they can last for days or even weeks. The longest-lasting tropical cyclone on record is Tropical Cyclone Amphan, which lasted for an astonishing 22 days.

Tropical Cyclone Amphan was first spotted in the South Indian Ocean on May 16, 2020. It quickly intensified and moved westward, eventually reaching the Bay of Bengal on May 20. It then moved northward and made landfall in India and Bangladesh on May 20 and 21, respectively.

The storm caused widespread destruction in both countries, with wind gusts of up to 185 km/h (115 mph) and heavy rain resulting in flooding and mudslides. In India alone, more than 80 people were killed and over 1 million homes were damaged or destroyed.

Tropical Cyclone Amphan continued to move northward and eventually dissipated on June 6, 2020. This made it the longest-lasting tropical cyclone on record, lasting a total of 22 days. This is more than double the average duration of a tropical cyclone, which is usually around 10 days.

The record-breaking duration of Tropical Cyclone Amphan is a reminder of the destructive power of these storms. It is also a reminder that we must be prepared for such events, as they can cause immense damage and disruption. We must be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to minimize the impact of these storms.

In addition to being prepared, we must also take steps to reduce our carbon emissions and slow climate change. Climate change is making extreme weather events like tropical cyclones more frequent and more intense, so reducing our emissions is essential if we want to reduce the risk of future disasters.

In conclusion, the record-breaking duration of Tropical Cyclone Amphan is a reminder of the destructive power of these storms and the need to be prepared for them. We must also take steps to reduce our carbon emissions and slow climate change in order to reduce the risk of future disasters.


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