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Sources Report Bankless Podcast Hosts Launching $35M Crypto Venture Fund


In the world of cryptocurrency, news of a new venture fund is always exciting. Recently, the hosts of the popular Bankless podcast, David Hoffman and Ryan Adams, announced the launch of a $35 million crypto venture fund. This fund is designed to invest in early-stage blockchain projects and will be managed by the two hosts.

The Bankless podcast has been a major source of information for those interested in cryptocurrency since its launch in 2018. The podcast focuses on topics such as decentralized finance, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency investing. With the launch of this venture fund, Hoffman and Adams are taking their involvement in the crypto space to a new level.

The $35 million fund will be used to invest in early-stage blockchain projects that have the potential to revolutionize the industry. Hoffman and Adams will be actively involved in selecting projects for investment and providing guidance to the teams behind them. They will also be leveraging their extensive network of contacts in the crypto space to help identify promising projects.

The launch of this venture fund is an exciting development for the cryptocurrency industry. It shows that Hoffman and Adams are serious about their commitment to the space and are willing to put their money where their mouth is. This fund will provide much-needed capital to early-stage projects that may not have access to traditional sources of funding. It will also help to promote innovation in the industry and could lead to some exciting new projects.

Overall, the launch of this venture fund is great news for the cryptocurrency industry. It shows that Hoffman and Adams are committed to helping promote innovation and growth within the space. With their extensive network and experience in the industry, they are well-positioned to identify promising projects and provide them with the support they need to succeed. This is an exciting development for the industry and could lead to some amazing new projects in the near future.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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