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Resolving Overridden mat-radio Button Values in mat-accordion with *ngFor in Angular


When working with Angular, it is common to use a mat-accordion with *ngFor to display a list of mat-radio buttons. This allows users to select one option from the list. However, when the list is updated or changed, the previously selected value may be overridden. This can be an issue, as it can lead to confusion and frustration for users.

Fortunately, there is a way to resolve this issue. By using the ngModelChange event, you can detect when the value of the mat-radio button has been changed. This event will fire whenever the value of the mat-radio button is changed, regardless of whether it is from the user or from the list being updated.

Once the event has fired, you can then use the value of the mat-radio button to set the value of the mat-accordion. This will ensure that the previously selected value is not overridden when the list is updated.

In addition, you can also use the ngModelChange event to update other components in your application. For example, you can use it to update a table or chart with the new value of the mat-radio button. This can be useful if you need to display additional information based on the user’s selection.

Overall, resolving overridden mat-radio button values in mat-accordion with *ngFor in Angular is a relatively simple process. By using the ngModelChange event, you can detect when the value of the mat-radio button has been changed and use it to set the value of the mat-accordion. This will ensure that the previously selected value is not overridden when the list is updated. Additionally, you can use this event to update other components in your application as well.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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