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OWASP Receives Supply Chain Security Tools from IBM


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recently announced that it has received a donation of supply chain security tools from IBM. This donation is part of IBM’s commitment to helping organizations protect their applications and data from malicious actors.

The donated tools are designed to help organizations identify and address security vulnerabilities in their supply chain. They will enable organizations to detect, monitor, and respond to potential threats in their supply chain, including those that may originate from third-party vendors. The tools will also help organizations identify and address any weaknesses in their supply chain processes.

The donated tools are part of IBM’s broader commitment to helping organizations protect their applications and data from malicious actors. IBM has been a leader in the field of cybersecurity for many years, and this donation is just one example of the company’s commitment to helping organizations protect their data.

The donated tools will be available to OWASP members free of charge. This is a great opportunity for organizations to take advantage of the latest security tools and technologies without having to invest in them themselves. The tools will also help OWASP members stay up-to-date on the latest security threats and vulnerabilities in their supply chain.

Overall, this donation from IBM is a great step forward for OWASP and its members. The donated tools will help organizations better protect their applications and data from malicious actors, and will help them stay on top of the latest security threats and vulnerabilities in their supply chain. This is an important step in helping organizations protect their data and applications from malicious actors, and it is great to see IBM taking such an active role in helping organizations protect themselves.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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