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“Overwatch 2: 5 Heroes That Could Benefit from Balance Changes”


With the release of Overwatch 2, Blizzard Entertainment has promised to bring balance changes to many of the game’s heroes. While some heroes have been identified as needing changes, there are a few that could benefit from balance changes more than others. Here are five heroes that could benefit from balance changes in Overwatch 2.

1. Brigitte: Brigitte is one of the most popular supports in the game, but she has been deemed too powerful by many players. Her combination of healing and armor makes her a great choice for any team composition, and her shield bash can be used to quickly disrupt enemy teams. However, she can be difficult to counter and has a high skill ceiling. A few balance changes to her kit could make her more manageable and give players more options when countering her.

2. Reaper: Reaper is a powerful hero that can quickly take down enemies with his shotguns. His ability to teleport and become temporarily invulnerable makes him difficult to counter, and his ultimate ability can quickly turn the tide of a fight. However, his kit can be too powerful in certain situations, and some players feel he needs to be toned down a bit. Balance changes to his kit could make him less oppressive and give players more options when dealing with him.

3. D.Va: D.Va is a powerful tank that can be difficult to deal with in certain situations. Her Defense Matrix can absorb incoming damage and her Boosters allow her to quickly reposition herself. However, her kit can be too powerful in certain situations and she can be difficult to counter. Balance changes to her kit could make her more manageable and give players more options when dealing with her.

4. Mei: Mei is a powerful hero that can be difficult to deal with in certain situations. Her Ice Wall can be used to block off certain areas and her ultimate ability can quickly freeze entire teams. However, her kit can be too powerful in certain situations and she can be difficult to counter. Balance changes to her kit could make her more manageable and give players more options when dealing with her.

5. Symmetra: Symmetra is a powerful hero that can be difficult to deal with in certain situations. Her turrets can be used to control certain areas and her ultimate ability can quickly turn the tide of a fight. However, her kit can be too powerful in certain situations and she can be difficult to counter. Balance changes to her kit could make her more manageable and give players more options when dealing with her.

Overall, these five heroes could benefit from balance changes in Overwatch 2. These changes could make them more manageable and give players more options when dealing with them. With the right balance changes, these heroes could become even more enjoyable to play and help create an even better gaming experience for everyone involved.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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