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Opinions of El Reg’s Vultures on the Prevalence of AI Despite Lack of Demand


Opinions of El Reg’s Vultures on the Prevalence of AI Despite Lack of Demand

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the tech industry for years now. It promises to revolutionize the way we live and work, from self-driving cars to personalized healthcare. However, despite all the hype, there seems to be a lack of demand for AI products and services. This has led to some interesting opinions from the vultures at El Reg.

El Reg, short for The Register, is a UK-based tech news website that covers everything from hardware to software, security to AI. Their team of journalists and contributors are known for their witty and often sarcastic take on the latest tech trends. When it comes to AI, they have not been shy about expressing their opinions.

One of the main criticisms of AI is that it is being developed and marketed without a clear understanding of what people actually want or need. As El Reg contributor Tim Anderson puts it, “AI is a solution in search of a problem.” He argues that companies are investing in AI simply because it’s the latest trend, without considering whether it will actually benefit their customers.

This sentiment is echoed by other vultures at El Reg. Chris Mellor, another contributor, points out that many AI startups are struggling to find customers willing to pay for their products. He cites a survey by MMC Ventures that found only 10% of European AI startups generate revenue from their products.

So why are companies investing so heavily in AI if there is little demand for it? One reason is the fear of missing out (FOMO). As Anderson notes, “No one wants to be left behind in the AI race.” Companies are afraid that if they don’t invest in AI now, they will fall behind their competitors.

Another reason is the belief that AI will eventually become essential to our lives. As El Reg editor-in-chief Drew Cullen puts it, “AI is like electricity – we don’t know exactly how it will be used in the future, but we know it will be important.” Companies are betting that even if there is little demand for AI now, there will be in the future.

Despite these concerns, the vultures at El Reg are not completely dismissive of AI. They recognize that there are some areas where AI can be useful, such as in healthcare and finance. However, they argue that companies need to be more thoughtful about how they develop and market AI products.

As Anderson puts it, “AI needs to be grounded in real-world problems and solutions.” Companies should focus on developing AI that solves specific problems for their customers, rather than trying to create a one-size-fits-all solution.

In conclusion, the vultures at El Reg have mixed opinions on the prevalence of AI despite lack of demand. While they recognize the potential benefits of AI, they are skeptical of companies investing in it without a clear understanding of what customers actually want or need. They believe that companies should focus on developing AI that solves specific problems for their customers, rather than trying to create a one-size-fits-all solution. Only then will AI truly live up to its promise of revolutionizing the way we live and work.


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