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Oklahoma Moms Share Views on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana


In recent years, the debate over legalizing recreational marijuana has become increasingly prominent in Oklahoma. With the state’s medical marijuana program now in full swing, many Oklahoma moms are voicing their opinions on the matter. While some are in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana, others are strongly opposed.

One of the most vocal supporters of recreational marijuana legalization is Tulsa mom, Sarah Johnson. Johnson believes that legalizing recreational marijuana would help reduce crime and create jobs. She also believes that it would be beneficial for medical marijuana patients who need access to higher-potency products. “It’s not just about getting high,” she said. “It’s about providing people with a safe and legal way to access the medicine they need.”

On the other side of the debate is Oklahoma City mom, Lisa Brown. Brown is strongly opposed to legalizing recreational marijuana, citing concerns about its potential health risks and its impact on children. “I’m worried about what it would do to our kids,” she said. “I don’t want them to think that using marijuana is okay.”

The debate over legalizing recreational marijuana in Oklahoma is likely to continue for some time. While some moms are in favor of it, others are strongly opposed. Ultimately, it will be up to the citizens of Oklahoma to decide whether or not to legalize recreational marijuana in their state.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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