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Navy Chief Hari Kumar States Navy is Equally Satisfied with Both Rafale-M and F-18, Decision Now Lies with Government


The Indian Navy is one of the most powerful naval forces in the world and is currently in the process of modernizing its fleet. Recently, Navy Chief Admiral Hari Kumar has stated that the Navy is equally satisfied with both the Rafale-M and F-18 fighter jets and the decision now lies with the government.

The Indian Navy has been looking for a new fighter jet for some time now and has been considering both the Rafale-M and F-18. The Rafale-M is a French-made fighter jet and is considered to be one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world. It is capable of carrying out air-to-air combat, air-to-ground strikes, and reconnaissance missions. On the other hand, the F-18 is an American-made fighter jet and is also considered to be one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world. It is capable of carrying out air-to-air combat, air-to-ground strikes, and reconnaissance missions as well.

Admiral Hari Kumar has stated that both the Rafale-M and F-18 are equally capable and the Navy is satisfied with both of them. He also stated that it is now up to the government to decide which one to purchase. He further added that the Navy will be able to provide its expertise to the government in order to help them make an informed decision.

The decision to purchase a new fighter jet is an important one for the Indian Navy as it will help them modernize their fleet and increase their capability to defend the country. The Navy has been looking for a new fighter jet for some time now and it seems that they have finally narrowed down their choices to two. It is now up to the government to decide which one to purchase and Admiral Hari Kumar has made it clear that the Navy is equally satisfied with both the Rafale-M and F-18.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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