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MSUFCU Estimates $735,000 in Savings from Replacing 21 Full-Time Employees with Chatbots


In recent years, the use of chatbots has become increasingly popular in the business world. Chatbots are computer programs that use artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation and provide customer service. MSUFCU, a Michigan-based credit union, recently announced that they have estimated $735,000 in savings from replacing 21 full-time employees with chatbots.

MSUFCU has been using chatbots since 2018 to help customers with basic inquiries such as account balances, loan applications, and more. The chatbot technology has allowed the credit union to provide 24/7 customer service and respond to inquiries quickly and efficiently. The chatbots have been so successful that MSUFCU has decided to replace 21 full-time employees with the technology.

The estimated savings of $735,000 is expected to come from reduced labor costs, as the chatbots can do the work of multiple employees at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, the chatbots can handle more inquiries than a human employee, allowing MSUFCU to serve more customers in less time. The credit union also expects to see an increase in customer satisfaction due to the improved response times and accuracy of the chatbot technology.

The use of chatbots is becoming increasingly popular in the business world as companies look for ways to reduce costs and improve customer service. MSUFCU’s decision to replace 21 full-time employees with chatbots is a testament to the cost-saving potential of this technology. As more businesses adopt this technology, it is likely that we will see even greater savings in the future.


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