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Marc Laidlaw, Former Half-Life Writer, Discusses Cancelled Borealis Game and its Inability to Keep Up with VR Technology


Marc Laidlaw, the former writer for the Half-Life series, recently discussed the cancelled Borealis game and its inability to keep up with the rapidly changing virtual reality (VR) technology. Borealis was a project that Laidlaw was working on with Valve, the company behind the Half-Life series, and was intended to be a VR game.

Laidlaw explained that the game was cancelled due to the rapid changes in VR technology. He said that when they started working on the game, the technology was still in its infancy and they were unable to keep up with the changes. He said that the game was “too ambitious” for its time and that they were unable to keep up with the constant changes in the technology.

Laidlaw also discussed how the game was intended to be an exploration game, similar to Half-Life, but set in a VR environment. He said that the game was intended to be a “true VR experience” and that they wanted to create a world where players could explore and interact with their environment. He said that they wanted to create a game where players could “feel like they were actually in the game”.

Unfortunately, due to the rapid changes in VR technology, the team was unable to keep up with the development of the game. Laidlaw said that they had to make a difficult decision to cancel the project as it was no longer feasible to continue development.

Despite the cancellation of Borealis, Laidlaw is still optimistic about the future of VR technology. He said that he believes that VR technology will continue to improve and that eventually developers will be able to create games that are true VR experiences. He also said that he hopes that one day developers will be able to create games that are as immersive as Half-Life was.

Overall, Marc Laidlaw’s discussion of the cancelled Borealis game and its inability to keep up with VR technology is an interesting insight into the development of VR games. It is clear that VR technology is still in its early stages and developers are still trying to figure out how to create games that are truly immersive experiences. Hopefully, one day developers will be able to create games that are as immersive as Half-Life was.


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