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Leaked Skins Revealed for League of Legends’ Cats vs Dogs Battle Theme


League of Legends, one of the most popular online multiplayer games, is all set to release a new battle theme called “Cats vs Dogs.” The game’s developers, Riot Games, have recently revealed some leaked skins for the upcoming theme, which has created a buzz among the game’s fans.

The Cats vs Dogs theme is a unique concept that pits two of the most loved pets against each other. The game will feature new champions, skins, and game modes that revolve around the theme. The leaked skins have revealed some exciting new looks for the champions that players can expect to see in the game.

One of the most anticipated skins is the “Meowrick” skin for the champion Yorick. This skin transforms Yorick into a cat-like creature, complete with a furry tail and whiskers. The skin also features a new look for Yorick’s ghouls, which are now replaced with cute little kittens.

Another exciting skin is the “Pug’Maw” skin for the champion Kog’Maw. This skin turns Kog’Maw into a pug, complete with a wrinkly face and floppy ears. The skin also features new animations and sound effects, making it a fun addition to the game.

Other leaked skins include “Fuzz Fizz,” “Corgi Corki,” “Hecarim the Hound,” and “Catnivia.” Each skin features unique designs and animations that fit perfectly with the Cats vs Dogs theme.

The leaked skins have generated a lot of excitement among League of Legends fans, who are eagerly waiting for the game’s release. The Cats vs Dogs theme is a refreshing change from the usual battle themes and promises to be a fun-filled experience for players.

In addition to the new skins, Riot Games has also announced new game modes for the Cats vs Dogs theme. The game will feature a new “Capture the Flag” mode, where players can play as either cats or dogs and compete to capture each other’s flags.

Overall, the leaked skins for League of Legends’ Cats vs Dogs battle theme have created a lot of buzz among fans. The game promises to be a fun-filled experience with new champions, skins, and game modes that fit perfectly with the theme. Players can’t wait to get their hands on these exciting new additions to the game.


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