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ISP Grande Fights $47 Million Piracy Liability Verdict in Court


Internet Service Provider (ISP) Grande Communications is currently fighting a $47 million verdict in court that was handed down in a copyright infringement lawsuit. The lawsuit was brought against the company by a group of independent filmmakers who alleged that Grande Communications had allowed its customers to illegally download and share their copyrighted films.

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas in 2018. The filmmakers argued that Grande Communications had failed to take action against its customers who were illegally downloading and sharing their films, and thus had contributed to the infringement of their copyrights. The filmmakers sought damages of $150,000 per infringement, which resulted in the $47 million verdict.

Grande Communications has argued that it is not liable for the copyright infringement of its customers, as it is not responsible for the actions of its users. The company has also argued that it does not have the resources to monitor all of its customers’ activities and that it has taken steps to prevent copyright infringement, such as issuing warnings and suspending accounts of users who are found to be engaging in illegal activity.

The case is currently being appealed, and the outcome could have major implications for ISPs across the country. If Grande Communications is found liable for its customers’ copyright infringement, it could set a precedent for other ISPs to be held responsible for their users’ activities. This could lead to increased costs for ISPs, as they would be forced to invest more resources into monitoring and preventing copyright infringement.

The case is being closely watched by ISPs and copyright holders alike, as the outcome could have far-reaching implications for both parties. It remains to be seen whether Grande Communications will be successful in overturning the $47 million verdict, or if it will be held liable for its customers’ copyright infringement.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream


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