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How to Use Tidehunter in Dota 2 to Gain an Advantage in Team Fights


Dota 2 is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that requires strategic thinking and teamwork to be successful. One of the most important aspects of the game is team fighting, which requires players to coordinate their actions in order to gain an advantage over their opponents. One of the most powerful heroes in Dota 2 is Tidehunter, a melee strength hero who specializes in team fighting. In this article, we will discuss how to use Tidehunter in Dota 2 to gain an advantage in team fights.

The first step to using Tidehunter effectively is to understand his abilities. Tidehunter has two active abilities: Kraken Shell and Ravage. Kraken Shell grants Tidehunter a damage-absorbing shield that can be used to protect himself and his allies from enemy attacks. Ravage is an area-of-effect spell that deals damage and stuns enemies in a large area. Both of these abilities can be used to great effect in team fights, allowing Tidehunter to protect his allies and disrupt the enemy team.

Once you understand Tidehunter’s abilities, the next step is to position him correctly during team fights. Tidehunter should be placed in the front line of the fight, as his Kraken Shell ability will protect him from enemy attacks while he uses Ravage to disrupt the enemy team. Additionally, Tidehunter should be placed near his allies so that he can use his abilities to protect them as well.

Finally, it’s important to remember that Tidehunter’s ultimate ability, Gush, can be used to great effect in team fights. Gush is an area-of-effect spell that deals damage and slows enemies in a large area. This ability can be used to great effect in team fights, as it allows Tidehunter to slow down enemies and give his allies time to attack or retreat.

In conclusion, Tidehunter is a powerful hero in Dota 2 who can be used to great effect in team fights. By understanding his abilities and positioning him correctly during team fights, players can use Tidehunter to gain an advantage over their opponents. With the right strategy, Tidehunter can be a powerful ally in any team fight.


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