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Geologists Unveil Most Comprehensive Model of Earth’s Geological History Over Last 100 Million Years


In a groundbreaking new study, geologists have unveiled the most comprehensive model of Earth’s geological history over the last 100 million years. The research, published in the journal Nature, provides a detailed look at how Earth’s surface has changed over time and how this has impacted the evolution of life on our planet.

The research team used a combination of geological data and computer simulations to create a 3D model of Earth’s surface over the past 100 million years. The model reveals how Earth’s surface has been shaped by tectonic forces, climate change, and the evolution of life. It also shows how these changes have affected the distribution of land, oceans, and ice sheets.

The model provides a unique insight into the history of Earth’s surface. It shows how the continents have shifted and how mountain ranges have formed over time. It also reveals how the distribution of land and water has changed, and how this has impacted the evolution of life on our planet.

The research team also used the model to investigate how Earth’s climate has changed over time. They found that during the last 100 million years, Earth’s climate has undergone several major shifts. These shifts have had a significant impact on the evolution of life on our planet, with some species adapting to new environments while others have gone extinct.

The research team hopes that their model will provide a valuable tool for scientists to better understand Earth’s geological history and its impact on life. It could also help us to better predict future changes in our planet’s climate and environment.

Overall, this new research provides a fascinating insight into Earth’s geological history over the last 100 million years. It shows how our planet’s surface has changed over time, and how these changes have impacted the evolution of life on our planet. This research could help us to better understand our planet’s past and predict its future.


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