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ESFI Announces National Esports Championship 2023: A Chance for Indian Esports Players to Compete at the Highest Level


The Esports Federation of India (ESFI) recently announced the National Esports Championship 2023, a major esports event that will be held in India. This event will give Indian esports players the chance to compete at the highest level and showcase their skills on the international stage.

The National Esports Championship 2023 will be the first major esports event to be held in India. It will feature a variety of different games, including popular titles such as League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Dota 2. The tournament will be open to all players from India, regardless of their age or skill level.

The tournament will be organized by ESFI, in partnership with several major esports organizations. These organizations include ESL India, NODWIN Gaming, and U Cypher, among others. The tournament will feature a prize pool of over ₹1 crore, with the winners taking home a significant portion of the prize money.

The National Esports Championship 2023 is a great opportunity for Indian esports players to show their talent and compete against some of the best players from around the world. It is also a chance for Indian esports organizations to gain recognition and become more established in the international esports scene.

In addition to the tournament itself, ESFI has also announced several initiatives to help promote and develop the Indian esports scene. These initiatives include creating a dedicated esports website, providing support to local tournaments, and creating an esports academy to help train and nurture young talent.

The National Esports Championship 2023 is an exciting event that will give Indian esports players the chance to compete at the highest level and gain recognition on the international stage. It is also a great opportunity for Indian esports organizations to become more established and help develop the local esports scene. We look forward to seeing what this event brings to India and its esports players.


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