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Dota 2 Muerta Guide: Choosing the Best Allies for The Master of Death


Dota 2 is a popular MOBA game that has been around for many years. One of the most popular characters in the game is Muerta, the Master of Death. Muerta is a powerful hero that can be used in a variety of ways, from pushing lanes to initiating team fights. However, in order to maximize Muerta’s potential, it is important to choose the right allies. In this article, we will discuss some of the best allies for Muerta and how they can help him succeed in battle.

First and foremost, it is important to choose heroes that can provide crowd control and disruption. Heroes like Earthshaker, Tidehunter, and Sand King are great choices for this role. These heroes can use their abilities to stun or disable enemies, allowing Muerta to get in close and deal massive damage with his ultimate ability, Reaper’s Scythe. Additionally, these heroes can also provide vision and protection for Muerta while he is pushing lanes or initiating team fights.

Next, it is important to choose heroes that can provide healing and sustain for Muerta. Heroes like Dazzle, Witch Doctor, and Omniknight are great choices for this role. These heroes can use their abilities to heal and protect Muerta from enemy damage, allowing him to stay alive longer in team fights. Additionally, these heroes can also provide vision and protection for Muerta while he is pushing lanes or initiating team fights.

Finally, it is important to choose heroes that can provide damage and burst for Muerta. Heroes like Lina, Shadow Fiend, and Invoker are great choices for this role. These heroes can use their abilities to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies, allowing Muerta to finish off weakened enemies with his ultimate ability, Reaper’s Scythe. Additionally, these heroes can also provide vision and protection for Muerta while he is pushing lanes or initiating team fights.

In conclusion, choosing the right allies for Muerta is essential for maximizing his potential in Dota 2. Heroes that can provide crowd control and disruption, healing and sustain, and damage and burst are all great choices for Muerta’s allies. With the right allies by his side, Muerta can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.


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