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Bill Gates Appears in Apple’s 1984 Macintosh Promotional Video


In 1984, Apple released its revolutionary Macintosh computer. To promote the launch, Apple created a memorable commercial that aired during the Super Bowl. The commercial featured a woman running through a dystopian landscape, throwing a sledgehammer at a giant screen featuring a Big Brother-like figure. What many people don’t know is that the Big Brother figure was none other than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

At the time, Apple and Microsoft were fierce competitors in the personal computer market. Microsoft had released its own operating system, MS-DOS, in 1981, and the two companies were locked in a battle for dominance. Apple’s 1984 commercial was a direct attack on Microsoft and its products. By casting Bill Gates as the oppressive Big Brother figure, Apple was sending a clear message: Microsoft was the enemy of innovation and progress.

The commercial was a huge success and helped launch the Macintosh to mainstream success. It also marked an interesting moment in the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft. Despite their differences, Apple and Microsoft were willing to work together to create a powerful advertisement.

Today, Apple and Microsoft are no longer rivals. In fact, they have become close partners, with Microsoft providing support for Apple’s products and services. It’s a far cry from the days of the 1984 commercial, but it shows how far the two companies have come in their relationship.

It’s amazing to think that Bill Gates appeared in an Apple commercial more than 30 years ago. It’s a reminder of how quickly the tech industry can change, and how two former rivals can come together to create something great.


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