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Apple Releases Code Mentioning ‘realityOS’ in Open-Source Project


Apple recently made headlines when code mentioning a mysterious new operating system called “realityOS” was discovered in an open-source project. The code was found in the open-source project WebKit, which is used to create web browsers for Apple’s iOS and macOS operating systems.

The code mentions “realityOS” as a platform that could be used to create augmented reality (AR) applications. It also references a “reality file format” and “reality view controller”, suggesting that Apple is developing a platform specifically for AR applications.

The discovery has sparked speculation that Apple is working on a new operating system specifically designed for AR applications. This would be a major shift for Apple, which has traditionally focused on its existing operating systems for mobile and desktop devices.

It’s unclear what Apple’s plans are for realityOS, but the code suggests that it could be used to create AR applications for both iOS and macOS. It’s possible that Apple could use realityOS to power its own AR applications, such as the rumored Apple Glasses.

Apple has yet to comment on the discovery of the code, but it’s clear that the company is investing in AR technology. In addition to the code mentioning realityOS, Apple has also acquired several AR-related companies in recent years.

It remains to be seen what Apple’s plans are for realityOS, but the discovery of the code suggests that the company is investing heavily in AR technology. With the recent launch of the iPhone 12 Pro and its LiDAR scanner, it’s clear that Apple is serious about bringing AR to its devices. Whether this will be done through realityOS or another platform remains to be seen.


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